OK, let's continue the conversation from the last thread.
We might as well call this 'Metrophor's Dreams,' considering how much of the previous thead revolved around her dream-city, Midpoint.

All your thread are belong to us.
I'm coming too! Guys, we should all totally try to gatecrash Metro's dreams! Though given my most common dream personalities, we''l be on opposing sides. :nope: That would be all I need, Metro to kill Beryl Reid. Who will fight the cause of anarcho-ludditism then?
Oh god, I can see it now. Being zerg-rushed by forumites. XD
Hey, just be loud enough and I'm sure I'll find you
eventually. Population of fifteen million be damned!
(I'm still typing that description. Curse you, obsessive detail. ?_?)
You could probably live your luddite dream in the substructure of Midpoint. The Lovecraftian beasties in Metro's dreams sound like surprisingly nice fellows.
I'm not sure you'd like it there, though. It's leaky. And cluttered. And hot.
Also it occasionally smells of things best left undescribed.
Not unlike like the subway tunnels in NYC, come to think of it. c: