Weird enchanting problem

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:31 am

So, in my first playtrought i never used console commands, upped enchanting to 100, and except for soul perks i used all the rest. When enchanting with this char my Fortify Stamina bonus (basic shows 20) is 62, as i said with all perks + enchanting at 100.

So, i started a new char, and something weird happens, i consoled this one to have all enchanting perks (added in correct order) and enchanting at 100. (player.addperk xxxxxx and player.setav enchanting 100). And here is the weird thing, with this char, who has same enchanting level and perks (neither char has any enchanting bonus item) the Fortify Stamina bonus is 5 (basic 20). Wtf?, 62 with one, 5 with this one...
Any ideas what the heck is going on? Im curious about this, i can use console and set enchanting to like 600 and have the same (62) bonus, but still, i think its weird.
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Mark Hepworth
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