Weird glitch..

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:25 am

I was playing on Lighthouse the other day and after I melee'd a guy I power jumped and i got stuck in the air. I have seen and Im aware of the people floating above the map but I was never killed by one. When I was above the map I was able to get kills and the fact that I had retriever lvl3 it was a little unfair, but it was a whole lot of fun. I got shot a couple times but no enough to kill me, but i managed to get back down by attempting to melee a guy on top of the missle battery in the middle of the map. It was fun while it lasted but I can only imagine if there was an entire team doing this. Has anyone else have this happen to them? Either way please fix Crytek!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:09 pm

I had a similar glitch several weeks ago on Skyline. I got shot while grappling and was left walking in midair. I was able to shoot people, but was stuck on one height level so I couldnt get down and I couldnt jump. I just figured it was caused by lag as the match itself had a few people in with bad connections.
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