starting today I've had an extremely odd and irritating issue in Oblivion. whenever I attempt to scroll using the mouse scroll wheel it will always, instead of scrolling gradually, go all the way to the end. for example on "load game" selection if I scroll down it will go all the way to the bottom of the save game list and scrolling up just once will go all the way back to the top. same thing in inventory and dialogue options. also after exiting a conversation I'm stuck in third person view with the camera on maximum zoom out and attempting to zoom in or go into first person doesn't work
I haven't changed anything in Oblivion since yesterday when it worked fine, no new mods, no updates or anything. nor have I changed my mouse drivers or settings and the mouse works fine in anything else. as you can probably imagine this renders the game somewhat unplayable at the moment but I'm completely stumped as to the cause or solution