I just got a new computer and it's running great. Installed Oblivion on Friday and played it late into the night with no problems. Tried to install several mods, on top of many other mods I've always had, on Saturday night that I wanted to finally try on a better system. Was super excited, but when I started playing, I noticed that a lot of the landscape looked very....crappy. Imagine what the ground used to look like in Win95 era games, where it was just a flat-land looking blur of green/light brownish which supposedly represented dirt and grass. Well it looked like that from a distance, then if you were to try to walk on it, you'd fall through, it would disappear and you'd be in the normal landscape for that little portion (but could still see this "puddle" elsewhere in the distance).
I immediately turned off all three of the mods thinking that would help but...it didn't. So now, with the mods I've been using for awhile now still on and the new ones off, this issue remains. I loaded some old saves and the problem was there too, leading me to believe it's a graphical issue instead of a corrupt save or something. The mods did alter the landscape dramatically, one of them opening up a portion of another continent (I did disable "border regions"), another redoing Imperial City, and another which redid natural environments. I triple checked for any patches those had, and only found one, which I installed but to no avail.
Please help, I freaking love Oblivion and it really saddens me I can't play it right now :sadvaultboy: