Someone on here mentioned playing as a mage/thief hybrid using illusion magic. I've been thinking of rolling a mage/assassin hybrid myself.
Treasure Hunter?
I just started one and it's really fun. I'm a lightly armored warrior but highly sneaky. Using dagger in critical situations and my axe in close-combat. All I do is finding more gold
Don't start Dragon Born quest and just do side quests.
One hand, (maybe also Block) Sneak, Speech and some other skills are most important part of Treasure Hunters. Rest is up to you. I might try Alchemy this time, I believe you can make good money from potions.
I'm playing a redguard dashing swordsman.
Using a mod that improves follower trading, both me and Lydia are using a scimitar (no shield or dual wielding, just one sword), hammerfell garb, redguard boots, gloves and circlets.
It's lots of fun. Considering the lack of shield and armor as a melee character, you're reliant on health boosts. Level health almost exclusively, pick up blessing of arkay, and use enchanting to get fortify health on a ring, necklace and the hammerfell garb.
Level 15 and 285 health, 0 armor rating is no worry
Are you on PC or console?
If PC--> Install: Realistic Needs & Diseases + Hunterborn + Frostfall + Wet and Cold + Loot and Degradation + Extended Cities + wizDynamic Things . . . with that build (at minimum) you can play a "Hunter."
For a very different take on the Perk tree, potions, enchanting, and character development, try Perkus Maximus with all modules (Warrior, Thief, Mage & Wintermyst).
I thoroughly like to RP as a sith lord, my current char is even named Darth Revan, majoring in illusion, destruction and restoration (to get the necromage perk and being a vamp) I concentrate almost exclusively with lighting spells and illusion to control the mind so to speak from an RP stand point, i dont really use armor though I will prob wear full on vampire armor with a vamp hood once I get my enchanting all the way up. its quit fun, though I do also like my other char an orc werewolf berserker (2h, heavy armor and no spells)
Mmmm, a Sith Lord does sound like a fun playthrough. Any mods that particularly enhance that?
Throw the Mage Armor Perk on this build. That would really help out.
They have a ton of mods on nexus for starwars fans, from light sabers to jedi and sith robes and some spells to mimic force powers!!!
I was planing to play Heavily Armoured Crossbowman. You may want to try.
I did a playthrough as a Danwguard soldier. It became quite short since I did not feel like advance the dawnguard quest too far. I ended up seeking out "known vampire lairs" slaying vampires until I finally got infected and decided it was time to end my life before it was too late for that. Since I was a devoted Dawnguard soldier I never looted anything and thus I stayed poor, I never got the resources to get aid from Fallion in Morthal.
Still, if you use mods I strongly suggest Helgen Reborn.
No thanks, the point is to gimp myself and mage armor as a perk is pretty awful anyway.
Ebonyflesh with 3/3 mage armor doesn't even give 50% damage resistance.
Do you do any enchanting or smithing to improve your sword? And what difficulty do you play at? I like the sound of this build - and it's very easy to get all the starting items.
I picked the scimitar because it's available at level 1, looks good, deals the same damage as elven sword with less weight, and is improved by steel smithing. Not even gonna switch it out for daedric! I'm also not contuining smithing, scimitar is good enough.
I don't enchant my weapon (cause elemental fury) but I do enchant my apparel. Fortify stamina on boots, fortify health on necklace and ring, fortify restoration+magicka regen (one enchant) on the hammerfell garb.
Once I get fortify one-handed I'm putting that on my gloves and boots, maybe on necklace and ring too for maximum glass cannoning.
I use the atronach stone so I can cast healng spells (no conjuration, illusion, alteration or destruction tho!) without magicka investments.
I play on expert, single-wielding a sword and wearing no armor
It's working out so far at level 15 but I might get weaker later on... will see once I get there I guess