So I've been assembling a set of decent PA armor by mix and matching pieces from several partial sets. The helmet, torso and both arms are T-60, but all I could find were T-45 legs. I had everything modded up E level, with everything leaded as well. Plus the best mods I could make for the other mod categories. VERY expensive in raw materials, but well worth the investment. But then one day I parked the suit at the PA station in Sanctuary just to make a quick run to The Slog and back. The next morning I go to jump in the suit and EVERYTHING had been converted to unmodded T-45A! And when I go to gather all of the T-51 parts that I had in storage, plus a variety of T-45 parts that had been modded to something better than A, when I open the Crafting on the PA station, ALL of the PA parts that I had on me had been converted to unmodded T-45A parts!
What gives? What could possibly cause the program to overwrite my PA inventory to revert everything to vanilla T-45s? Anyone else ever experience something like this?