» Sun May 05, 2013 10:34 pm
1-I've tried erasing the game data, DLC's and patch.
2-Ps3 recovery mode: Restore File System & Rebuild Database.
3-I've installed the game without the patch, then I've created a new character and played until the game was installed, this took me about 20 minutes...(the game runs amazing unpatched when you leave Helgen)
4-Once installed (4.444 Mb) - reboot.
5-I've installed the patch first, I then loaded the new game I created in step 3. And surprisingly the performance is a little bit worse, getting more stuttering every time a new cell/area is loading.
7- I Installed all DLC's
8- I've loaded my 14Mb save game.
9- Waited 34 in-game days and saved my game in a new slot.
10- Reboot - Deleted all save games, I'm using only one.
11- LAG - CRASHES ??
Conclusion, DLC's + 1.9 really broke my game. Bethesda is doing it again. And nop, I'm not using any kind of glitches like oghma infinium... I play legit. My disk is perfect, without scratches, dust or fingerprints, it's just perfect (skyrim is my favorite game u know)