» Sun May 05, 2013 8:07 pm
I'm sorry to see even more people having the same lag/freezing problems I had with the game even after the new patch. I did a complete reinstall and started over with a new character, too, but it didn't help me either. My suggestion to those still struggling with it, and I'm saying this to be genuinely helpful and not to be facetious, is to save your last scrap of sanity by either playing something else until they get this sorted out on the PS3 or, if you plan to buy one of the new consoles when they finally drop, just resign yourself to shelving the game until some version of it comes out for the newer consoles.
That way, even if it still lags and freezes, you'll at least get to hear a better and more believable grade of excuses for the problem on the forums. "No, it's not Bethesda's awful coding, it's the console's inadequate RA...actually, you know what, it's voodoo...yep, gotta' be voodoo."