Dumb question of the day. I do not see the pm option anymore and I have not changed anything, do I just post on your profile or something? The pm option was there a few days ago, because I pm'd Skirt. :banghead:
PM option is right under the users avatar, as well as on the users profile. If you're still having trouble, say which user you want to PM and s/he will PM you.. (Well, they better..

Edit: Oh yeah and Kettle, I really like what you did with Harlen, having him bunk with Jesse. Would improve their relationship, along with encourage house sharing. Something that might end up being necessary, and personally I think would be a good thing if each user has at least one other RP-er in their house. Gives us the feeling of actually playing a Fallout MMO or something.

Edit 2: Oh yeah and, I need one more picture for the group photo update. First come first serve! (Unless 3 people update their photos at once... Also, when thread 4 starts, I might even overhaul the photo to incorporate more..)
Edit 3: Okay, I updated the group photo but it's pretty sloppy. I'm thinking of doing a version 2.0. So if you all are interested, simply PM me a picture of your character so it's easier for me and it doesn't end up looking sloppy. Until then I'll post the new group photo shortly.

Edit 4: http://oi56.tinypic.com/2dmb1o0.jpg.