If you read carefully, at the end of my Celeste post, Bob and Brandy had only just left. James hasn't walked in yet. Timestamps, timestamps...
edit: @Rex -- looks pretty good to me. Will more of his past come to light as he talks to people in town, etc.? I'm interested in where he's been, what he's learned, etc.

Just need Kettle to approve.
it looks like i got a bit confused from when you first posted on thread six, saying hello to bob and asked about Brandy about her shoulder because it's also on thread Five were David (Macharius) spoke to Brandy and Bob as they were leaving and
before he asked Celeste "You people alright? yet you posted that before speaking to Brandy
edit mk2: edited this slighty hope it clearer for you Cobra
from this I Concluded it was after they had gone to scythes house and picked up James & Jessica my mistake sorry

edit of a edit:have slighty edited my last post( removed James seeing Brandy taking Jet ) , Guess i have to waiting until you to catch up before i make another post