Dobbs sees something like that lying around in the Wasteland he's picking it up.

Dobbs doesn't need a .308 as to him his .45-70 is a better weapon, so he'll unload it for something he does need....a automatic for clearing rooms. If you need combat armor, I didn't take Temujin's.

edit: If Sue tells him how that rifle came to be there and that they were going to come back for it he'll give it up as long as the ammo goes towards repairing the CAR and getting him some 5.56.
i think i may have explained it wrong. Fl8cobra mentioned she wanted the rifle in an eariler OOC post so I just left it there for her to pick up
edit: James will take the rifle as Payment for fixing the CAR and later on give it Brandy for X reason(s) ( to be decided later on )
edit mk2 : i'm logging off for the night soon, if you post I will reply in the morning but you can CC sue if you like ( you aready know what she going to write down anyway just renember she is a mute and Can't speak
@skirt: the verison I have has a feature that tells you what the word means but appears to be failing lol but yeah i should proof read my post more often
@Fl8cobra: James left before Harold did anything and he walked in
after he had finished with Pawnee