Name: Cole Anders
Age: 23
six: Male
Basic physical appearance and attributes: He is Caucasian with slicked back dark brown hair, approximately 6'2 with dark brown eyes and light skin. He has a slender build and his body is defined with very lean muscle. He also has a few burn marks due to a few "mishaps".
Weapons and armour: A with a and
His weaponry consists of a Silenced 9mm pistol and a concealed Combat knife.
Personality: Cole is very charismatic, convincing others of his point of view with relative ease. He's also the type of person that if he speaks, people instinctively listen. He also has an unusual calm about him, never easily letting himself be flustered by most things. He speaks with great articulation and tact whenever engaging anyone in conversation. He constantly anolyzes and sizes up anyone he speaks to, trying to divine intent and character from them.
He does, however, have a dark and sinister side that tends to reveal his true ambitions. He gets what he wants, one way or another, and is determined to get the job done, no matter the cost.
Cole also suffers from Pyromania, and is a classified Pyromaniac. He carries a lighter on his person at all times and also has a mild anxiety disorder that tends to get worse the longer he goes without some relief of tension.
Occupation: Ex-Private Eye
Faction: Currently Unaligned
Backstory: Raised from Little Lamplight at the age of two, Cole has no memories preceding his life within the cavern. He learned basic skills such as reading, writing, and math, along with basic combat skills such as shooting and survival. He became quite favored among the children of Little Lamplight, taking office after the departure of MacCready with ease.
He ruled the cavern leisurely, allowing the children to do as they please like all the rulers preceding him. But he invested a great many resources to insure that when his time of departure arrived, he would not be thrown out into the wastes like a filthy animal. He issued a Caravan transport across the wasteland on his 16th birthday with a single destination in mind; Tenpenny Tower.
Upon arrival, he payed the hefty entrance fee with the large sum of caps he had collected over the years and was allowed entrance. He was set up with a small suite and lived within the safety of the Tower for the next several months. However, Cole longed for something more then sitting around all day and watching as snooty bigots went on with their lives. That is, until he met Mr. Burke.
Mr. Burke, impressed with his vast knowledge and skills, hired Cole as his personal Private-eye. He did the jobs Burke asked of him, investigated anything he required, and eliminated anyone that stood between him and his goals. It was a mutually beneficial relationship that went on reliably. It wasn't until one fateful day that Mr. Burke assigned Cole a assignment which led him to do the one thing that his employer never approved of; He showed mercy.
(The intro post will explain a good bit, along with future posts. Like to leave a little mystery
