You better believe he has his hands full with her

Why of course! His hands are full when he gives her a bear hug and cries! :wub:
@everyone --
Celeste is on hiatus for a while. I've lost her muse almost entirely and it's not fair to you that you have to wait on me forever to reply as her when you've come into the diner, etc.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Tap is 100% NPC. She will operate the diner from 7 AM to 11 PM daily, and has brought supplies in with her until she can trade with the next caravaner, meaning you can order and eat/drink (nearly) whatever you want. Unfortunately there will be no more free drinks and she's not nearly as charming as Celeste...but her diner will always be clean and the service will be fast, even if her personality is a little cold.
She carries a ten cent pistol pocket knife but is actually a demon of whom STEALS SOULS D: in unarmed combat. Don't try to skip on your bill or rob her or flirt with her even. That is a no-go zone. Moriarty has her there for a reason. The reason is she's a brutal demon, if you're wondering.
Aw, Celest is leavin'? :sadvaultboy: But, what good is service without a warm personality? Just so long as she has Earl Grey tea, I'm pleased.

On another note, I was considering making one more character-a former vault dweller located originally from, roughly, Chicago. Would that be allowed? x]
I believe so, Cobra has three characters at the moment. Well, four actually. I'm allowing her to CC Atarah for the moment. Don't take my word, however.