Welcome to Grayditch, the RP thread!
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Age: 24
six: Female
Basic physical attributes: Short, lean, but rather busty. She has short, wavy brown hair and green eyes. Cute, but not gorgeous. Freckled face and slightly crooked teeth.
Occupation: Diner owner/operator, and Welcoming Committee.
Weapons and armour: None. She wears thin sweaters, t-shirts, and tank tops with a denim skirt, and rabbit skin boots (reminiscent of Uggs in our modern universe).
Faction: Moriarty
Personality: Charismatic, outgoing, and a natural leader. She is outwardly friendly and makes friends easily. Celeste is not the brightest of the bunch, which leads her to become easily manipulated and generally oblivious.
She doesn't have very many other skills that don't involve talking or bartering, making her a perfect bar owner-hostess but essentially useless otherwise.
Backstory: Celeste's back story, like her demeanour, is very simple. She hails from Ronto, where she had spent her life, and has made her way to the Capital Wasteland after the death of her mother, Linda. She made her way to Megaton in search of her father, one Colin Moriarty, riding on the coattails of various bands of travellers. By the time she meets Moriarty, she is dead broke and is carrying a single valuable possession having had to barter the rest of her meagre things off for safe passage through the wastes – a tiny gold cross on a chain, a necklace once owned by her mother.
Moriarty, embarrassed that some illegitimate daughter of his has shown up on his doorstep two and a half decades later, has a reputation to uphold – he digs up and keeps dirt on the locals, and they behave. The thought of word getting out that he has some daughter who has come calling for favours just wouldn't do. He sends her off to Greyditch to help re-establish the settlement, having convinced her it is really an extension of the “family business”, under the guise of her being the one to help organize its reconstruction and resettlement. He makes her feel as though this is very important to him, and that she is the offspring he dreamt of with whom he could share the business, and she reluctantly agrees. He promises her she can return to Megaton to live once the settlement is up and running – which is at a time he will deem fit.
It was a hot, sunny, and dusty day. Celeste Brown, barely two weeks in the Captial Wasteland, had quickly learned that hot, sunny, and dusty, was the weather forecast every single day. It was no wonder the people here were so much more unfriendly and miserable than in her native Ronto. She sighed wistfully, remembering her home, and absently stroked the little cross hung around her neck. With the death of her mother, there was nothing left for her in that city, especially since her former landlord told her that since she couldn't pay the rest of her mother's mortgage immediately, she was evicted.
Celeste's mother, Linda, had spoken of her father, Colin Moriarty, many times. It wasn't a secret that Celeste had a number of potential fathers – she was conceived during a particularly low part in her mother's life – but Linda frequently remarked that Celeste shared a number of facial features with the man Linda had only spent a single night with, but wouldn't ever forget. When Celeste finally met the man, all those years later, in his Saloon in Megaton, he was just as her mother had described...just older, rougher, and rude.
That was last week. Colin was overjoyed to be reunited with a daughter he didn't know he had, and after a few minutes of speaking with her, put her sparkling personality to work in his bar. The atmosphere of the entire Saloon had skyrocketed, and soon everyone was flocking in to meet her. The town even had a nickname for her: “Juggy LeBrick”, though none ever used it to her face.
It was awkward, at first, with Colin. She insisted on addressing him as “dad” and he visibly cringed the first dozen times she used it. He wasn't entirely unaffectionate, but was hesitant to return her hugs at first as well. She didn't really blame him. The man didn't think he had any children, and suddenly a full grown woman bursts through his door claiming his paternity – it had to be, at least, unsettling.
Celeste was always uncomfortable around Harold, the man her dad had called his bodyguard. She had asked him why he needed a bodyguard and his answer was that, in the bar business, sometimes some added security went a long way. Harold never smiled, and never answered her when she spoke to him.
A few days after her arrival, Colin took her aside and told her about this business venture he was about to embark on. There was an abandoned settlement not too far from Megaton, and some recent windfall made it so that he had bought the place outright. He wanted to rebuild and resettle, and to do so, he needed help, and to have a place where the workers (and later, settlers) could drink, eat, and relax.
“I didn't know how I was going to do it, at first,” Colin had said to her. “I'm already spread pretty thin, keeping this place here pinned down. But then, an angel from heaven came through my front door, and my prayers were finally answered.”
“How exciting, dad!” Celeste had squealed. “What angel?”
Colin laughed. “I was talking about you, my sweet. You're my ace in the hole, so y'are.”
It took some convincing, but Celeste finally agreed. Colin assured her that she would be doing the family business a huge favour, and if they were successful in this endeavour, they could stand to make a lot of money. Colin had dreams of retirement, and giving the management of the Saloon over to Celeste, but not until they could be assured some financially stable future.
A full week and a half after her initial arrival in Megaton, Celeste was introduced to Joe. He was pretty cute, and as head of security for the new settlement, she figured he must be good with a gun. Celeste, Joe, and Harold set out together to Grayditch, about a half-day's walk from Megaton, soon after being introduced to each other and taking some time to pack some basic things. Colin promised to send her some money, supplies, and his love every so often so that she could establish a fairly decent bar, much to her satisfaction.
Joe didn't mind having a conversation with her, but he either deflected or outright ignored her attempts at flirtation. Celeste really didn't know why. She hadn't met a man yet who didn't at least compliment her eyes. She thought she caught a glare from Harold, in Joe's direction, once when he had reached out and touched her arm, but wasn't sure that was really what she saw.
Grayditch was a dump. There were broken down buildings, with the exception of an unknown number of houses and a lousy shack, and that included the old diner she was expected to spruce up and turn into a booming business. Husks of giant ants were strewn everywhere, and there were a few human corpses lying around as well. As soon as they were ten steps into the town, Joe and Harold chased off a pack of four feral dogs that were snacking on a couple of mole rats.
Celeste walked into the skeletal diner and sniffed the air. Dust and grime was so thickly spread on the counter, it almost looked like it could solidify and turn into its own surface. A quick glance around and she saw empty bottles of all kinds all over the floor, dust and debris collected in the corners, a broken down oven and a fridge missing a door. She was heartened, though, at the crate of Abraxo detergent placed ironically on the end of the bar, as though someone with good intentions had come in and abandoned the job before it had begun.
She walked around the end of the bar and screamed when she saw two skeletons and the corpse of a wastelander sprawled in front of the fridge. Encountering the dead in various stages of decomposition wasn't something new for the woman who had grown up in a wasteland, but she wasn't expecting to see what she did after coming around the corner.
Celeste sighed. The bar wouldn't be ready to go any time soon. Colin must have anticipated some degree of cleaning up, which must have been why he refused to send her any booze or food at first – those supplies would arrive later. He did, however, send her with a wide plank of scrap metal and some paint to make a sign. If she were to be the welcoming committee, she figured she should at least create a way to direct the newcomers to her presence.
Twenty minutes later, she stood back from her work with a satisfied smile. She glanced down and noticed she must have leaned a bit too forward while painting and had a few dots of paint on the shirt over her voluptuous chest. Damn things always get in the way. She dusted her hands off on her denim skirt.
WELCUMMING CUMITTY she had painted in thick, black letters, bookended with arrows pointing down.
“Joe! Harold!” she called in a sing-song voice, unsure where the two had got to. “Could one of you please hang this above the door, here?” If she were going to be cleaning the diner for a while, there was no point in it saying “diner” until it was ready.