(OOC: Is it rum or whiskey? Hehe

...also, edited. Give you some more to go on, haha...bad habit of mine, leaving things hanging. Still friends?)
FRIEDA ~~ diner ~~ late afternoon"To Greyditch," Pawnee grinned, "best sauaging spot in the wastes," he drained his glass and immediately refilled it. He then pointed at Frieda's drink, cajoling her to do the same, "come on now.
Don't you remember how to drink?"
"Shhhh!" she hissed, her eyes darting around the diner and hoping he hadn't caught anyone's attention. She watched with wide eyes as Pawnee effortlessly knocked back the entire glass' contents and was already refilling it. Frieda took this as a challenge. She poured the contents of her glass into her mouth and winced at the whiskey burn as she forced herself to swallow.
"So," Pawnee smiled, "if you can't remember your own name, I'm betting you can't remember your favorite drink. . .so what do you think of mine?" Pawnee refilled Frieda's glass so it was almost over flowing.
Frieda frowned briefly as Pawnee was so casual about how she can't remember anything about herself.
Can't expect anyone to understand, I guess. "I suppose it's a bit more...fruity than I'd have expected from you," she smirked. Here was this lanky young man with burns up and down his arms, who scavenges the Wasteland, and he drinks his whiskey with Nuka Cola.
"Whiskey and nuka-cola is my favorite," Pawnee chimed, "I normally never had the caps to get much else. Maybe I should buy a bottle of bourbon or cognac or something? I've heard its pretty good. . .my oldest brother used to talk about something called. . .allah. . alla. . .Alize."
"This drink isn't so bad, but out of everything I've tried, I always find myself wanting beer. Every time I do, though, it still isn't right. I don't know what that means."
Frieda was interrupted by a bald man with a crooked nose, and the distinct musk of brahmin. "Sorry m'am. I didn't mean to stare," Duncan began, sheepishly, "it's just you look familiar."
"This here's Frieda," Pawnee scooted closer towards her, physically blocking Duncan from coming any closer, marking his territory, "you're Duncan right? Don't think we really met. Just overheard your name. Mine's Pawnee."
Frieda ignored Pawnee's obvious possessive gesture and gave Duncan a smile. "Mr. Talson, is it? You came through Canterbury Commons two weeks ago, I think. I repaired something for you..." She frowned as she tried to recall what it was. In her travels she seemed to repair the same type of thing for so many people, it was hard to keep track of what she repaired for whom.
Duncan chuckled. "You certainly did, it was an electronic trowel but it fell apart after I used it. Nothing you could have prevented, though, its structure simply disintegrated." He nodded to himself. "Well it was nice to see you, maybe we can catch up later."
She watched him walk off and turned to see Pawnee already filling up his glass for a third time.
I see, now, that's how it's going to be, huh? I bet he's a lightweight. "Cheers," she smiled, holding her glass up in a mock toast before draining it. The taste of the whiskey made her shudder but she swallowed instead of spitting it out.
Pawnee's eyes twinkled as he drank his third and poured her another. "Hurry up and drink this, can't have you behind, now." He placed the empty Cola bottle on the other side of the table and gave her a boyish grin. "How're you doin'? Having trouble keeping up?"
"No way," she answered immediately and emptied the glass again. By the third one, she was hardly tasting the whiskey. "You mentioned a brother? What happened to him?" Frieda secretly hoped if she got him talking he'd slow down with the booze, even a little bit. Her face was already starting to feel warm.
That's what I get for not having eaten in a couple days and pouring alcohol straight into my stomach...