(OOC - Schmuty gave me permission to post as Zippo while he is busy with his studies. Kettle also said it was ok

Atarah (Zipporah) Dorcas - Grayditch late morning through afternoon "No..." Celeste answered, she appeared slightly annoyed, "James here has a job, he says. Otherwise, unless you have a trade, we could use some help picking up the town."
Atarah followed Celeste's eyes to James, he turned facing Atarah upon hearing Celeste say his name.
“Hello I’m James Wilson I'm sorry but I already gave Michael the job but might have job for you when he comes back… ” James said before she could even inquire about the job.
Atarah frowned, "Oh, well ok. I am Atarah Dorcas but most people I know call me Zipporah. If you would, please let me know if you do have a job. I plan on settling here. I'm tired of wandering from place to place."
Feeling a little rejected, Atarah wandered outside and looked at a few of the fancy merchants items. Picking up a racy red teddy, the strappy clothing subtly reminded her of the strappy raider outfit she once wore. Nothing really struck her fancy, so she walked around town.
She took notice of the various stores on the main block of town, Grayditch Arms, Emporium De Winters, what appeared to be a metal and electrical shop. Winter's shop tweaked her curiosity, she went to enter, but the door was locked.
Strange, its noon and they're not open? She pressed her face to the glass on the door, shielding the surrounding light from her eyes. Squinting, she noticed overturned shelves, and stock scattered about the floor. But not a hint of anybody inside. She knocked on the door and waited a minute, no answer, she peered inside again but saw no one.
That sign looks new, it doesn't make any sense. Atarah's regulator instinct kicked in, feeling something was amiss she wanted to further investigate. Especially after recalling what she heard in the diner about a Raider attack.
Walking around the end of the block, there were several brahmin tied up in a small park. Atarah counted the back doors as she walked, stopping at the back door of the Winter's shop. The door was open, she leaned in, "Hello?" She called, but no answer. She unholstered her forty four magnum and proceeded inside, the magnum twitching slightly in her hand. People often took that as a sign of weakness, or cowardice, not knowing she once was a cannibal which caused the shakes.
Other regulators had harassed, and relentlessly picked on her about being a regulator with her size. But her short stature had proven very handy in her profession. Able to take cover behind smaller objects, and the ability to go where larger men could not. These assets had attributed to many of her successful captures.
Atarah cautiously swept every room in the back of the shop, the bathroom, a store room, what appeared to be an office, and the main part of the shop. Other than items scattered about, nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Hearing a faint scratching sound come from above, she crept back to the staircase.
The scratching sound became louder as she reached the top of the stairs. On the landing there were two doors, one left and one right. Listening intently, Atarah went for the right door first, the direction from which the sound came. She could see someones feet lying on the floor, as she crooned her head, see a molerat gnawing on the persons leg. It stopped, sniffing the air, noticing the presence of her sweaty body. It turned and without hesitation and charged her. Squeezing off a round, hitting the ugly creatures torso, it made another lunge for her. Atarah trained her magnum on the creatures head, and pulled the trigger. The molerats lifeless body flopped to the floor, a trail of blood splattered the area behind it.
Atarah scurried over to the body, what would have been an handsome man lie there cold and lifeless himself. His throat had been cut, and clothing removed, all that remained were a pair of glasses on the corpse. Atarah scanned the ransacked bedroom, assuring nothing, or no-one else were sharing her presence. She said a prayer for the man, and shut his eyelids and placed his hands on his chest.
Shuffling across the upstairs landing to the other room, Atarah swung around with her magnum trained into the room. A woman laid on the floor next to a desk, her skin a creamy white, her face flawless.
She may be alive, Atarah thought, holstering her magnum and rushing to the womans side.
"Are you alive, hello?" She blurted excitedly as she felt for a pulse. Feeling a couple scars, she determined that she was indeed dead. Atarah furrowed her brow,
dead, but her skin, her skin is not gray. She...she doesn't look dead. This thoroughly confused Atarah, as the body was as dead and cold as the mans was. The womans tight fitting leather outfit had been partially undone,
why wouldn't the culprit have taken this?Slowly, Atarah pulled back the leather, the smell of rotten flesh entered her nostrils. Crinkeling her nose, wincing from the smell, Atarah flipped the leather clothing back. She stumbled backwards, taken aback by what she saw laying in front of her.
"What the..." She screeched.
The womans flesh was much to decomposed to be have been killed recently. Her briast partially rotted away, patches a newer skin stitched to the remainder of her own.
"A ghoul" a surprised Atarah said out loud. Atarah picked up a piece of fabric from the floor, wiping it across the ghouls cheek.
Makeup, she wore makeup to conceal herself and trick that poor man. Atarah stood up,
of all the...I can't believe it. She became infuriated, kicking the ghouls body, a sudden lose of control took over. Atarah snatched up a canvas sack, and began filling it with various items. Jewelry, bottles of Scotch, clothing, she stormed downstairs filling the sack until it was almost to heavy for her to carry. She heaved the sack over her shoulder and walked out, she started to think about the man she had found upstairs.
What a good haul, he's not going to need it anymore. Her Raider past becoming apparent,
why leave it just for someone else to get, I mean I need it.As she lumbered to the diner, she started to feel guilty.
That man was tricked and killed by that ghoul, what am I doing? This isn't Godly, its wrong, dead or not its bad karma. Do what's right, the towns people need supplies, you heard Celeste, most of the food and drink were destroyed, give it to them. Sitting the sack down in the middle of the street, Atarah knelt down and prayed.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me for my sin, my greed and lose of self control. I pray that, that man rest peacefully in Your care Lord. Grant me piece with Your presence, grant me the ability to do good by You. To resist temptation, to spread the Word Lord. To help others, to be Your loyal servant. For my reward does not come on this earth, but comes from You Lord, in heaven. I pray you will wash over this town, use my skills to fulfill whatever task is set before me Lord.
In Jesus' name I pray, AmenAtarah, feeling refreshed with the Holy Spirit, continued lugging the sack back to the diner.