OOC: I don't know how many times I've warped this bloke from place to place...Oh, and I don't want to miss a fight

@Wolfman, why do I think of Assassin's Creed when I read your post?
Ryler North--Grayditch--after midnight Ryler couldn't sleep. He lay, awake staring into nothingness; meaningless shades of black. His mouth was cotton dry; parched and needing of water. A raspy cough escaped his lips; like an explosion in the quiet night. Quiet? Where was the distant, jovial and jazzy music? No laughter.
An eerie mood was present; the blackness provided a shelter for fear. Ryler rolled over, grabbing his weapons then slipping over the checkered shirt. He felt his way to the door. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Opening the door, Ryler stuck his head outside. No lights. A power surge? Surely not.
Rubbing sleep from his eyes, Ryler stepped out, and disappeared behind the closed door. The moon and stars provided a safe and serene light. It seemed out of place at this time. The diner light, too had gone out, only outlined by the moonlight, cloaked in semi-darkness.
He felt a cold metal hit the side of his temple. Pain erupted and throbbed, he fell, dazed.
"Stay still. Repent, and then be with the Lord." A harsh voice hissed. Definitely woman.
Her brown hair was loose and long, striking green eyes stared back to his, her boyish shape clad in a black sleeveless shirt and raggy jeans.
"I said, be still!" Her voice was layered with authority; cruel and commanding. She looked over him, menacing shadows covered her face. She knelt down, so that her breathe could me smelt. Putrid. In her hands was a tire iron, weathered from the years but still able to kill.
She saw Ryler eye the weapon and smiled a toothy grin. "A beaut, isn't she?" The raider raised her weapon, poised high, before noticing the machete and pistol at Ryler's belt. Keeping her pistol pressed against his head, she pulled the machete from his sheath, taking along the pistol. Her fingers ran along the edge, "Perfect." She whispered.
Do something! He scolded himself. The raider was distracted now,
do something! But he could not. He felt weak, useless. Why would he not fight back?
She stood up; superior to him, then crushed her heel to his neck. He gasped of air, squirming helplessly.
Helpless. Weak. The raider, held the tire iron above her head, then swung it down onto his stomach. A jolt of pain stabbed into him. Another jolt of pain shot up his leg, only worsened by a kick to the chest. Repeatedly, the weapon came down on him like a hammer; pain met pain.
The switchblade. Of course. It was still neatly tucked away in his pocket. He tried to find a motive to kill, to survive and live.
They killed my mates. All of them. This small thought sparked an anger, a hidden hatred. Fear turned into violence. All this time, Ryler was afraid to kill, afraid to shed blood. Afraid all the same.
Slipping a hand into his pocket, Ryler’s fingers curled around the small weapon, now grasped tightly in his palm. Ryler jumped up – the tire iron only passing his temple – and stabbed the blade into her eye. She screamed with pain, dropping her weapon in surprise. Ryler grabbed her by the hair, and then slammed her head to the brick wall. A bloody splatter painted the wall, the woman not yet dead. He threw her to the ground, glassy pleading eyes staring into his.
His face was ugly with hatred. Pressing his heel to her neck, he gave his leg a small push, until a small crunch was heard.
His hands shook, then tried to cover them up by clenching his fist. A wave of queasiness swept over him – vomited – heart pounding against his chest rapidly.
He retrieved his weapons, a mask of change was clearly visible.
OOC: Weak post is weak. :sadvaultboy: