FRIEDA ~~ Red House ~~ Well after midnightHarlen was walking and talking but it was all just buzzing in her ears. She clung to Pawnee possessively, softly crying, as soon as the aged bounty hunter had set him down again.
A huge shadow loomed over her. It was Harold. "Show me the wound." He said, indicating Pawnee's arm. She pulled the shirtsleeve away, revealing the raw, bleeding flesh beneath. Harold leaned forward and punched him squarely on the chin.
Frieda cried out and grabbed her discarded weapon, pushing it against Harold's head in one fluid motion. "Boy's been through a lot," he said, not even blinking. "He doesn't want to feel this, believe me."
Harold raised the arm and with his other hand pressed the glowing metal against the stump. There was a loud sizzling noise and smoke rose from Pawnee's arm, giving off a sickening smell as the wound was burned closed. "Now who do we send back? Suggest it's someone small, fast and quiet." The brute looked around the room, his eyes settling on Sue.
"Maybe we should just stay here for now, until sunrise," Frieda spoke up, having been broken out of her brooding. "If someone gets taken down by a scorpion on the way back to town, we're all [censored]." She wiped tears off her face, smearing dirt on it instead. She was starting to feel exhausted as the adrenaline had disappeared from her veins.
CELESTE BROWN ~~ Diner ~~ Nightfall"Um, Hi Ms. Brown. I was actually looking for some kind of work, I'm low on caps right now. I met the medic, well, sort of. You see, my squad and I were attacked by a ferocious pack of Deathclaws a while back, and I came here to seek refuge. As far as I know, the rest of my squad was wiped out. So, I'm looking for a semi permanent place to stay. I can help a lot with different things around town; our squad used to go around and help found towns, and get them off the ground, so I know a little about living off the land and getting structures up, and-- Oh, sorry to bore you.."
"You poor dear," Celeste cooed. "You look like you've had an ordeal. Don't you worry, there are plenty of places to stay and lots of jobs to go around. We can talk about that in the morning, hmm?" She smiled warmly. "Honestly. Let me get you a bowl of stew and a drink, and we can worry about caps later." She winked and then turned, filling a bowl with the stew, and then put it in front of the man with a Nuka Cola and a glass.
"Come on Mirvin, my house is just down there," said Brandy, motioning across the intersection, "Thanks Celeste, I'd stay, but I just can't right now." putting caps on the counter for her drinks, she stood up and grabbed Mirvin's metal hand, "let's go buddy" wiping her face.
"O-oh, bye," Celeste called.
That girl always dashes in and dashes out of here. I wish she'd stay longer so we could chat.Frieda sauntered into the diner. Her eyes were bloodshot and she stank of alcohol and that herbal smoke. "Hey, you are're of those forest elves in story books, am I right? Anyways...hehehe...where does Brandy live?"
Celeste frowned and was irritated at Frieda's words. The blonde just grinned dumbly. "She lives next door to me, just over there." She pointed out of the diner towards her house.
"Cheers." Frieda turned and left in the direction that Celeste pointed.
"Weird woman," she muttered. She gave a look to Rusty but suddenly realized he wasn't there. "Golly, how'd I miss that he had left...?"
She listened to Rusty reply while Duncan carefully sat onto a bar stool. He looked very scratched up and in a lot of pain. "Evening Celeste" he said with a smile "Could I get some whiskey please? or any form of alcohol you've got."
She blinked. "Yeah, sure. ...don't you want to go to the clinic?" She paled at the sight of his wounds and pulled out a third of a bottle of whiskey. "Just take it, don't worry about it. If I see Ryler I will tell him to see you."
Out of nowhere, six rough looking men entered the diner. They were clad in various types of Raider armour. One had a tire iron and a grenade, two had pistols, one had an assault rifle, one carried a combat shotgun, and one brandished a chef's knife which he jammed into the top of the bar to get the patrons' attention.
"People, those of the flock of Grayditch, I am called 'Hallowed' and my followers and I have come upon your town to do a little
The four men with guns lifted them and pulled their hammers back, aiming one each at Jordan, Duncan, and two at Celeste.
"Don't shoot, don't shoot," Celeste babbled, holding her hands up. "I'll give you whatever you want, just don't hurt me, and don't hurt my diners, please."
Hallowed lowered his eyes to the cross around Celeste's neck. "You are a woman of faith?"
Celeste quivered. She was starting to sweat all over though she felt very cold. Her mouth opened and shut but she couldn't muster a reply. The assault rifle was pointed at her. The man holding it twitched his hands slightly but it was enough to overwhelm her. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she collapsed to the floor.
HALLOWED ~~ Diner ~~ Nightfall/nearly midnightHe watched the young woman swoon and fall to the ground. "The Spirit must be strong in that one, to have consumed her so at my question." His head jerked to look at the other person standing behind the bar. He was very tall, and much more weathered than the woman. The two men sitting at the bar appeared to have been previously wounded and would likely not put up too much of a fight. "Let me continue, then. My brothers -- occasionally called Raiders -- have come to collect your bounty in penance."
"You talk too much, old man," spat Car Crash, holding the assault rifle. With the busty brunette out of commission, he had trained his gun on the bald man in front of the bar.
"Car Crash, you could use some patience, is that not what I always say?"
"What he means is, we want your cash and your food and your guns and all your stuff!" babbled the man with the tire iron. Spaz ticked violently, elbowing Empty, one of the men with a combat shotgun aiming at the bald man with the crooked nose, in the ribs.
Dummy, the second with the combat shotgun, was pointing it at the other man sitting at the bar. "Don't look like they got much stuff, though."
"Who cares? It's gonna be fun to shake this place down. We've been watching it for days, now," replied Stake, wagging his pistol that was also pointed at the bald man sitting at the bar.
"If you choose not to repent," Hallowed drawled, "we will simply send you back to God and you can explain yourself to him instead." He pulled his knife out of the bar. "Sacrifice the lambs in His name."
"Bless us, oh Lord," the five other raiders changed in unison, still with their weapons trained on the three men in the diner.
THAR BE RAIDERS IN GRAYDITCH! There are a total of twelve. Six are in the diner. The rest are scattered throughout town, breaking into houses and trying to make off with whatever isn't locked or tied down.
If Rusty makes a sudden move as it is right now, he will be gunned down by all four gun-carrying raiders in the diner. He might want to heed some demands at first...
Oops, Rusty isn't there. I forgot he turned in early, hehe. Well anyways...sorry Duncan, there's three guns on you now for no real reason.