OOC: There you go Kettle.
--Late Morning--
--Frieda’s House--
--Pawnee--"Jeez, they really did a number on you didn't they. Listen, I've been going over what happened the other day. Replaying it in my mind. I think that trader was involved. He gave me that story about the pip-boy after all." Joe paused.
IT WAS BULL [censored]"I'll start over.” Joe said sheepishly, as if he’d heard Pawnee’s thoughts, “That big blond guy came in to town and was asking around after you. I talked to him, told him you lived in town. I didn't really think it'd matter, I'd already heard a couple of other people say as much. So, I told him that and he went on his way. Later on I wandered over to talk with the trader. I got talking to him about his stock and I made a joke about how I need a Pip-boy to make my job easier. So he tells me his story about how he knows where one is."
Get to the point."So I say to him, "Well that's all well and good, but I just told you how busy I am, when am I going to have a chance to go fetch it?" and he say's why don't I have someone go get it for me. Head of security, I must know somebody who can scavenge things up for me, That made me think of you. I'm guessing that the red house I sent you to is the place where this happened?
That [censored] trader! He put the idea of sending you into my head! But one of those little gadgets would have really been handy for me and you had made me that offer. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I thought I was doing you a favor.
A favor?Pip-boy for me, whatever else was there for you. Instead i send you to, well to this." Joe pointed to Pawnee’s beaten body.
"I'm real sorry Pawnee. I want to help, try to make it up to you somehow. Do you know anything about the people who did this to you? Where they are? Anything that can help?"
“I don’t believe you,” Pawnee mumbled. He studied Joe’s face and mulled over his silver-tongue “two hundred caps. He gave me two hundred caps to give to you. He said that
you’d know what it’s for. . . ,” Pawnee clenched his teeth, “you knew you were turning me in.
Why else would he pay you?”--Afternoon--
--Super Duper Mart--
--Scythe--“And if you ever run into another man that looks like me, you can bet it’s going to end up bad,” Scythe smiled, “real bad for you, honey.”
"You're not going hurt me?" The girl seemed to whimper, "ha - how do you know Pawnee? What's your name, mine is Brandy."
Isn't she just precious? “Brandy,” Scythe studied her up and down, “cute name. Nice drink too, but I like bourbon better.”
Brandy had changed clothes and was now wearing raider sadist-style armor. She looked ridiculous as she didn’t have the proper tan lines. Her pale skin looked almost florescent, soft, smooth, and un-weathered. Bits of the armor were blood splattered. Her head had large, fresh, gash on it, and her glasses looked crooked.
“My name’s. . .Nicholas,” Scythe said it slowly. He hadn’t told anyone his real name in so long it sounded foreign to him, “but everyone calls me Scythe. Guess it’s obvious why,” he grinned, “I know Pawnee from Virginia. He’s a bad seed. A flatterer and a smooth talker, but in his heart, he's a thief and a coward. If you fall for him, he’ll leave you for the next pretty face that walks into town.
Stay away from him.”
Brandy seemed to frown.
Scythe got a tingle in his spine. The feeling of being watched from afar. He scanned the horizon and thought he heard a dog bark.
Better get back to the house. I’m on watch. They'll think I ditched them.I like this though. . .haven't had a pleasant conversation with. . . .with anyone in a long, long time. . .and she's mighty pleasant.“Pleasure meeting you, Brandy,” Scythe shouldered his reaper, “remember my advice. I hear a pack of feral dogs coming and suggest you run along home, now,” he paused, “wouldn’t mind meeting you again though. . .
sometime. There’s a red house down the road from Greyditch. Go there and ask for me if you ever want to do more talking. Don't come with anyone else though or they'll wind up getting a sniper's bullet.”
The barks grew closer and Scythe began to walk away. He pulled the scythe from his back, keen on cutting up
OOC: Edited in changes to reflect Brandy's "roughed up" appearance
