(OOC: @Surfer -- it worked, found my muse. <3 )
FRIEDA ~~ Spark and Flame/Grayditch/various residences ~~ EveningFrieda wiped a trickle of sweat off her brow, then reached over and flipped a switch. The fan well above her head began to turn, barely at first, but as the motor came to its full potential, began to rotate at a steady, and satisfying rate. She stood admiring her work for a quiet moment when the door to outside rattled open behind her.
"Brought you some dinner," Vict said, stepping beside her and thrusting a plate of mirelurk cakes into her hands.
Frieda blinked at the plate for a moment. "O-oh, thanks. You didn't have to."
"You don't eat, woman, and we need to fuel that clever head of yours." He gestured up to the fan. "That looks really good. Maybe it'll help keep it from smelling like Rivet City in here."
"Remind me never to go there, with such a glowing review," she murmured.
"Don't. We need you here. Anyways, I'm going to go kick back with a beer. See you tomorrow." Vict gave her a short wave and once again left the shop.
Frieda took her dinner and followed suit. She locked the front door and turned right when she thought better of it, and turned left instead, ducking into an alley before coming into full view of the diner. She still didn't feel much like having a heart to heart with Celeste. The sun had fully set and the lights in the diner shone brilliantly like a diamond in the surrounding darkness of the broken-down town.
She walked through her front door and her attention was immediately drawn to the stack of papers piled onto the nearby table.
Tomorrow morning, I will pay Vict to make me a lock for my house. Frieda approached the papers, taking a bite of one of the Mirelurk cakes. Despite being an electrician, she hadn't put any work towards lighting her own home. She took the papers and the plastic card upstairs, where she knew she had a flashlight.
On the very top was a note that looked like a child had written it. The letters were jumbled, bumpy, and some of them were even backwards. "What the [censored]...?" She squinted hard, trying to decipher the words.
Flirt too much? I guess that's one way to say it, she thought sarcastically. Frieda couldn't outright dismiss the gesture, though -- he appeared to be genuinely trying to help her out. Appeared to be.
Already fell for that one. She sighed and set the note down and picked up the first page on the stack. It was a schematic for some kind of vehicle called a Vertibird. She recognized the Enclave logo on the top right corner but nothing more from the schematic called out to her. Frieda found that strangely interesting. She had, in her hands, a genuine Enclave document, and there wasn't any glimmer within her mind of recognition beyond the E-and-stars.
Frieda turned the page over and looked at the next. The remaining pages appeared to be orders issued to, and notes written by, a one Lt. David King. She looked at the plastic ID card and briefly wondered what happened to the man to whom it belonged.
Oh, wait. Brotherhood of Steel. That's right.She was briefly horrified at the orders in her hand.
"We will be retrieving you in approximately 1-9 months," it read.
Jesus. Did they give assignments like that to me, too? Frieda spent the next several minutes sitting on her bed, eating her Mirelurk cakes, and leafing through the pages, but none of them struck a chord, a memory, or anything. As she overturned the final page, her eyes laid on the note.
I should go thank him.
You should just avoid him, forget all about him. That's what you really want, and what he deserves for trying to play you like he did.
...I'll just go thank him. It would be rude not to. She picked up the ID card, went downstairs, and left her house.
Pawnee's front door was open. Frieda knocked on the door frame, which resulted in a bark from Buck upstairs.
That must mean he's home. She stepped across the door jamb. "Pawnee? It's Frieda..." She started up the stairs. Buck was standing at the top, wagging his tail.
This won't be easy. Buck barked again as she stepped onto the second floor and she gave him a pat on the head.
Pawnee was sitting in the middle of his ceilingless bedroom, drinking out of a bottle she didn't recognize.
"Uh, hey. I...I found your note and came by to say thanks," she began.
Well, this is [censored] awkward. At least Pistol Girl isn't here. "Most of it's just paperw-- oh whoa whoa, don't get up, I'm, uh, not gonna stay," she proclaimed, waving her hands in front of her. "I was just saying, most of it's just paperwork, but nothing rings a bell. Oh, except..." Frieda pulled out the ID card which bore the name and photo of King. "This guy was an old boyfriend of mine."
The look on Pawnee's face was priceless. Frieda couldn't help but laugh. "No, he wasn't, I'm just kidding. I mean, look at his face.
Far too serious." She flicked the ID card onto the floor, still grinning. "Got you, there. Anyways...I'll see you around."
She turned to leave when something else came to her. "Oh, someone was looking for you this afternoon -- a big man, with blonde hair, and a wicked looking blade strapped to his back. I don't know what he wanted, though." Then Frieda left, down the stairs and into the street as quickly as she could go, back towards her house.
(OOC: apparently all I can write are half-assed city blocks. Sorry, Assassin
