The mid-morning calm inside Moriarty's Saloon was suddenly shattered as the bar's door was barged open and three men entered, dragging a fourth between them. The dragged man had a cloth bag over his head and his hands were bound behind his back. The prisoner struggled weakly against his bindings, mumbling from within the sack.
As one of the captors approached the bar, the other two threw the prisoner to the floor, causing a brief cry of pain.
Behind the bar Gob, the ghoul, was idly polishing glasses with a stained rag. He looked up as the man approached him, raising an eyebrow. "What can I get for you today boys?" He rasped at the guy.
"Shut the [censored] up you [censored] zombie. Go and get your boss for me. Tell him we captured Rennie."
The ghoul disappeared, heading through a curtained door. The prisoner tried to struggle upright, groaning in pain as the ropes chafed at the skin of the man's wrists. After a while, he managed to get to his knees."You sure that's him?" A voice issued from behind the curtain, the question obviously directed at the people in the bar. "You sure that's Rennie?" The curtain was pulled aside as Colin Moriarty stepped into the room.
"Yeah boss, that's him. We found him hiding in Girdreshade. A day later and he'd have been gone."
"Good work." Moriarty was now close enough to the bar to see the kneeling man over its surface. "Get that [censored] sack off his head you idiots."
The bag was roughly torn from the prisoner's head, causing another quiet cry of pain as the darkness of the sack was suddenly replaced by the sunlight coming in throught the windows. The kneeling man squinted as he tried to allow his eyes time to adjust to the brightness. Eventually his vision cleared and the man found himself face to face with Colin Moriarty.
"Hello Joe, what do you know?"
"Not a lot."
"Ha! Always the same answer." Moriarty turned back to the mercs and threw a pouch of caps at them.
"Take these and get out, I need a quiet word with Joe here."
Once the mercs had left, Moriarty walked round the bar and took a seat in one of the stools. He sat looking down at his prisoner for a while before speaking. "Where's my equipment, Joe?"
"I don't have it, boss."
"I know you don't have it Joe, there was too much for you to carry alone, that's why I sent five men with you. What happened to them?"
"The Brotherhood happened, Colin. We sprung the ambush exactly as planned, then they ambushed us. Everyone was just blown apart. I did what I could boss."
"You mean you turned and ran as fast as your legs could carry you?"
"Like I said. All I could do boss. They were in power armour after all. Don't think my ten mil is really up to the task."
"How could you afford passage west?"
"Wait boss... You don't...."
"Don't what? Think you've double crossed me Joe? I know what you are, so I'd wipe the innocent look off your face right now. You are a thief, that's why I use you. I never thought you were a stupid thief. But now I wonder.."
"Colin... I.."
"Maybe you didn't. Maybe you did. Usually suspicion would be enough for me to just have you shot. But I lost out on a lot of caps with that job. Caps that you are going to repay."
"What?" Joe looked around himself, confused. "Why do I owe you?"
"Because I don't [censored] trust you. You might have ripped me off and I'm down weapons, ammo, equipment and half pay for five guys. Either you repay it. Or you die in my pub, today."
"Don't really leave me a choice does it. What's the job?"
"Let's talk a bit more comfortably," Moriarty said, turning his head, "Harold," he yelled, "Untie him and get him up."
The curtain was pulled aside once again and a freakishly large man walked into the room clutching a knife. Joe flinched away from the man as he loomed over him. Despite what Moriarty had just told him, Joe wasn't so sure he did have the option to live through today. The huge man leant down and grabbed Joe under one arm and dragged him to his feet. Joe cried out again, this time in panic as the huge man spun him round and slashed at the ropes with the knife.
He gasped in relief as the pressure in his wrists suddenly disappeared. He fell into another stool, rubbing at the red areas where the ropes had chafed at his skin.
"Here Joe, look at this." Moriarty said, sliding a paper flyer to him.
"What is it?"
"It's a signed pardon from President [censored] Eden. Just read it you [censored]."
Joe picked up the paper and ran his eyes over it.
I, Colin Moriarty, am pleased to announce that I have recently acquired the abandoned settlement of Greyditch.
There are several exciting opportunities for skilled workers within this new community.
We need builders, masons, plumbers, carpenters and other tradesmen to rebuild the town.
There will also be positions for cooks, farm hands and shopkeepers.
In return for work you will receive food and accommodation, at greatly reduced cost.
If you are interested then please come to see me at my bar in Megaton, or report directly to the welcoming committee in Greyditch.
Beneath the text was an artist's impression of what the rebuilt town would look like.
Joe looked at Moriarty over the top of the paper. "What the [censored] does this have to do with me?"
"You're going to help run it."
"I'm what? I'm a thief Colin, what do I know about running a town? You're joking right?"
Moriarty leaned forward so he was looking Joe directly in the eye. "I'm not known for my sense of humor Joe. Of course you don't know how to run a town, you'll have help with that. You are to be my head of security."
"Yes. At times traders will pass through town and I'll need you to use your skills to aquire certain items from them. At other times I'll need you to keep the stock of certain traders secret from the town."
"Two reasons. Firstly, the stock will sometimes be slaves and slavery is a dirty business I'd rather not be associated with. Secondly, you'll do it because I've [censored] told you to."
"So who's my help?"
"Good question. Gob, go and fetch Celeste for me."
The ghoul nodded quickly before hurrying out of the door. Moriarty watched Gob leave, then turned back to Joe.
"Celeste?" Joe asked.
"My daughter."
"I didn't know you had children."
"Neither did I until last week. She's a nice enough girl, but she's a [censored] embarrassment. I don't need rumours of bastard children damaging the leverage I have worked so hard for. You're going to keep her out of sight for me Joe. She's going to help you run the town. One thing though, she doesn't know about what we just discussed, about the traders. You'll keep it that way. Oh, before I forget..... You aren't planning on slipping away from Greyditch in the night or anything like that are you?"
"Of course not Colin."
"That's what I thought, but your face seemed to think different. I'll be sending Harold here as your assistant too. At least that is what you will tell anyone who asks."
"Ok, so what's his real job."
"Ha, smart enough to smell a catch still then Joe? Harold here was a bargain, I bought him from paradise falls a few years ago. He follows his orders to the letter. Quite rare to find a slave as usefull as him. Harold, why don't you tell Joe what your orders are."
The huge, hulking man stared directly into Joe's eyes as he answered. "I am to keep an eye on him," He pointed at Joe as he said this, "and if he tries to rip you off, tries to flee or tries to tell anyone what is really going on I am to kill him."
"I do believe there is one more order." Moriarty frowned.
"Yes sir. If he tries it on with your daughter, I am to pin him down, cut his teabag off and then shoot him."
Moriarty laughed when Harold had finished speaking. "He's not got much by way of imagination. But loyalty..... Anyway, do you have any questions before my bastard arrives? Make it quick before the stupid cow gets here."
"Ummmm... Nothing I can really think of."
"Good, now here, have a drink. You look like you thought you were going to die. Ha!" Moriarty poured a shot glass of vodka and slid it along the bar to Joe. "That'll be two caps."
A short while later Gob returned, accompanied by a young freckled woman. The freckles were not the first thing about the woman that Joe noticed. But after Moriarty's threats, via Harold, Joe swiftly raised his eyes to the woman's face.
"Ah, and there she is." Moriarty exclaimed, jumping up from his stool and crossing the room to her. "Joe, allow me to introduce you to my daughter Celeste. Apple of my eye so she is. Greatest hope for me increasing my empire." He stopped talking to pull the girl into a brief embrace.
"Dad, stop," the young woman giggled, though her expression showed how much she was loving the attention from her father, "you're embarrassing me in front of your friends here."
"Your friends, you mean. Joe here will be your partner in our new business venture. He's also going to be head of security. Harold is his assistant. Well, since you're all here now, you may as well set off. The first new residents should arrive in the next few days."
You know you want to sign up, right?

Regarding the "faction", it is a bit of a spoiler, but: those that are coming to the town in response to the flyer, and the rare case of Celeste, are totally oblivious to the town's true purpose and are in the Greyditch faction. Only Joe, Harold, and Celeste (through blind loyalty) are part of the Moriarty faction. Eventually it will start to become evident that the town isn't making money in a legitimate trading-based economy, and there will be a blow up...with the factions fighting against each other. As long as it is IC, and reasonable, your character MAY change faction later in the game.
1. This RP is run and modded by thekettleison and Skirt with a weapon. We make the rules and are bound to them as well. Please respect your mods.
2. If you have a question, please post it in the OOC thread. If you have a problem, please PM one of your mods.
3. Make sure you are familiar with, or at least have reviewed, the basic RP rules posted on this forum.
4. Character controlling is not allowed.
5. Your approved character sheet is FINAL.
6. A TWO PARAGRAPH per update is minimum.
7. Have fun!!
Character Sheet:
Basic physical appearance and attributes: (this should include at least one major weakness)
Weapons and armour: (this is limited to Primary, Secondary, and sidearm, and one set of armour/equipment)
Personality: (must include some kind of flaw)
Faction: (either Moriarty – side with the crooked nature of the town's economy, or Greyditch – against hijacking and prefer to establish a more legit economy)
Backstory: (be creative!)