Welcome to Rad Island! (planning stage)

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:03 pm

I have a dream... ;)
I am looking for any possible team-mates to help in making it come true.
Here is the current run down of my idea.

This is going to be a mid sized mod, hopefully slightly smaller than the original games landmass. It will involve a new heightmap based off of Newport, Rhode Island.

You will begin by talking to an Npc, probably at one of the bars ingame, he/she, will tell you of suspicious gang of Goul caravaners that has been passing through town a lot lately. You must then go and talk to them, at which you will then learn, they came from a far off land, known as, "Rad Island" it is thought to be one of the only locations that were virtually unscaved by the nukes, only, it was hit very heavily by the fallout and radiation of it's, less fortunate, surrounding states.

They will then tell you the reason they left was because of a great opression toward gouls. (At least 65 percent of the population are gouls) you will also learn that there are 3 different factions, "The Island lords" who believe that god sent the gouls to punish them for there sins, and the only way to repent there sins is to make Goul sacrifices every week. "The New Rad Democrats" who believe in the typical goul stererotypes. And are also upper class/govermental people of the Island. And finaly the rebelious, "Green skins" who consist mostly of gouls but also some humans who believe gouls deserve the same rights as humans.

After speaking with the caravaners, there will be a cutscene, and you (and the gouls) will learn that the
leader of the caravans, little brother stayed behind to join the green skins. You will then be asked to go back and look for him, the gouls can't go back because they will be shot in sight.

The rest of the story can be developed with everyones help, regardless of if you are on the team or not! :)


-concept artists
-other visual needs

-quest creation
-NPC creation
-interior creation

-exterior creation

-sounds and other jobs

Just post here if you have a skill that I did not mention and I will add it to the list.

I will be handling interiors, Npcs, a little bit of exteriors, heightmap
(possibly, if I can figure it out, if you are skilled with creating the heightmap, Feel free to post and I will fill you in on the specifications)
I will also be doing some of the main mission.

I am sorry that this is so long, feel free to skim through, and post a application to join! (all applications will be accepted!) :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:09 am

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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:53 pm

Hrmm. Just make sure you have plenty of experience before going into this, as one thing that will surely kill a mod is a group leader who does not know what he is doing. (This based of your being a Novice on the site, you may actually have plenty of experience modding Fo3)

Also, unless they release the system that allows many to work on a mod at once, only person can at a time. So work will be very slow unless only like 1 or 2 people are actually doing the work in the toolset.

Just make sure you are prepared for this.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:02 am

I have plenty of Morrowind modding experience, and a relative amount of Oblivion modding experience. At the moment I am on the Merp team for Oblivion, but only for interiors. And not many claims have been shooting out lately, so I have a lot if time on my hands. For the time being, I am more of an idea man, in terms of fallout 3 modding experience, until I familiarize myself more with the G.E.C.K. I have noticed many simialarities between oblivion and fallout 3, probably due to using the same engeon. So I am learning quite quickly.

I have also been very adept at planning and directing people, so I believe that may contribute to my list if skills.

Also, I am not new to the site, well not too new anyway. I had originaly been using a different username. Until I forgot what it was. ;) although I did not contribute to many posts, I mainly just cruised around the Oblivion General Discussion Forum, untill the past few months.
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