Download and screenshots:
So here it is. The new version of Welcome to the Arena! mod. I hope you enjoy it!
06.03.2010 ***************************************************************
The Elder Scrolls III
Morrowind Mod:
Welcome to the Arena! V4.5
by Kalamestari_69
2.What this mod does?
3.Playing the Plugin
4.Save Games
5.Questions that has been asked
6.Other Info
First extract all the files in Data Files Folder into the Morrowind\Data Files directory. Then select the esp. you want to use. Open Morrowind launcher and select the esp. you've chosen.
With this mod, you can fight and bet for fights in the Vivec's Arena. Like in the the Imperial City Arena in Oblivion, there are apparent teams of combatants and scheduled matches.
- You will need Arena Battle "Cuirass" to fight in the arena
- There are three different types of cuirasses. Light, medium and heavy, as well as valor cuirasses. These will be assigned by the armor type that is best for you (if your light armor is highest, you get light cuirass)
- Levitating, unequiping the Battle Cuirass and leaving the arena pit is forbidden. If you do so, you will be discualified. Looting corpses
- There are 25 rank related battles, and after you have becamed the Grand Champion, you can still fight against the Champions once a week
- You will raise in ranks from Pit Dog to Grand Champion
- Like in Oblivion, you can't loot the combatants corpses
- There are fans watching and cheering in the pit when you fight in there. Fans appear also during the other fights in the arena. Against the Arch-Mage, the ArchMagister of Redoran, Garding the Bold and the Knight of the Imperial Dragon.
- If you are gambling type, you can bet for other arena combatants. Only you have to do, is to speek to Gadaves Omavel in the pit
- During ranking matches and champion fights, there will be spikes placecd in the edges of the pit and yes, they will hurt you when you run/jump at them.
- Some of the fights are "unique" in their own way. Be prepared for these
- Ask other arena teammates to join you in team fights
Here is list of versions of this mod:
Normal: Normal mod
Lofi: this version simply removes 20 of 43 fans from the pit
Harder: Much much hared version.
Harder + LoFi: Combination of Harder and LoFi
That is maybe all i need to say about this mod. Have fun to fight in the Arena!
From the Morrowind Launcher, Select Data Files and check the box
next to the Clean Welcome to the Arena!.esp file.
To start your journey, talk to the people of Vivec about Arena,
or just go to the Arena Bloodworks in Vivec Arena Canton and
talk to Jolgard if you want to join the arena. If you want to bet for fights, talk to Gadaves Omavel in the Arena Pit (between 10 am. to 6 pm.)
- As always. Backup your original save games.
- If you have old version of this mod and you replace it with new
version, you might encounter something that shouldn't be happening.
I recommend to use latest version of Wrye Mash and using "Repair All" command if you are planing
to replace the old mod or if you are having something else.
- If you don't want to do the things above, simply start a new game.
5.Questions that has been asked
1. Will this interfere with any quests from the main game that involve the arena?
Answer: No.
2. When i waited in the pit, i noticed that Tanusea Veloth disappears somehow. What i have done wrong?
Answer: Nothing. It's not my fault too. Sometimes, Tanusea Veloth isn't at the Arena, then you will have to reload Morrowind or use the console.
3. I don't think i'm extracting it right. I can't find the bloodworks and the arena pit still looks like it did before the mod. What do i do?
Answer: Go to Morrowind Launcher->Data Files and check the tiny white box left from the Welcome to the Arena!.esp File.
4. Where are the bloodworks?
Answer: Vivec->Vivec, Arena->Vivec, Arena Waistworks->South door in the upstairs that leads to "Vivec, Arena Bloodworks".
5. Is this combatible with Gladiator mod?
Answer: This mod is Incompatible with Gladiator mod.
6. What is recommened level to start this mod?
Answer: Something like 10-45.
7. Is it possible to levitate in the pit?
Answer: Well...Yes, but you will be disqualified.
9. What is recommened level to start the harder mod?
Answer: 35-100.
10. How many times i can be disqualified before i'll be expelled?
Answer: First time when you're disqualified, you get warning. Second time you will be expelled, and cannot rejoin the arena.
11. How bad is the Grand Champion?
Answer: You have to see it your self.
12. Is this mod incompatible with To the Death mod?
Answer: Maybe. I haven't tested it so i cannot be sure.
13. One of the practice dummies got broken. How do i get them repaired?
Answer: You have to talk about it with the smith of the bloodworks. If you are not a member of the arena, it will cost more to repair them.
14. What is different between normal and LoFi versions?
Answer: LoFi version simply removes 20 of 43 fans from the pit.
15. Does the spikes during the ranking match hurt you?
Answer: Yes, but only if you run/jump at them.
16. Does this mod reguire MWSE or any other program to run?
Answer: No.
17. Is this mod combatible with Morrowind Patch Project and Morrowind Code Patch?
Answer: Yes.
18. Is there any place in the bloodworks to store some of my items?
Answer: Resting area perhaps?
19. Is there anyway to leave the pit while fighting? Can it be done by scripted items?
Answer: Even if you leave the pit using item like Berne Amulet, you will be disqualified.
Version 1.0 Initial release
Version 1.5. Added missing files and removed screenshots so the
download wouldn't take so long.
Version 2.0 Added animated practice dummies to the training area.
Version 2.5 - Fixed couple of bugs.
- Mod cleaned with TesAme
- Changed most of the dialogue
- Added full functioning betting system
Final version 3.0 - Fixes minor bugs and some dialogue typos
- Added +10 levels to each combatant
- Grand Champion now uses he's deadly darts
- Added LoFi version.
- Added resting area
- Fixed so called "all the combatants against you bug" that appeared in Gladiator mod and also in the older versions of this mod.
- Mod cleaned with TesAme
- As a Grand Champion, you can still fight against the Red Team's Champions once a week.
06.16.2009 - Removed 90% alarm rating from fans.
06.19.2009 - Added two more esp:s for those who want some "over powered" combatants.
Final's Final version 4.0 - Fans appear also during the other fights in the arena. Against the Arch-Mage, the ArchMagister of Redoran, Garding the Bold and the Knight of the Imperial Dragon.
- Made the arena bloodworks more darker and also replaced the beds in the resting area with bedrolls.
- Now in every ranking match and every champion fight, there will be spikes placed in the pit. Yes, they will hurt you if you run/jump to them
- Now you can repair the dummies even if you're not a member of the arena, but it'll cost more.
- Now when there is match going on in the pit (like challenged the arch-mage or archmagister), the spectator area is closed. You have to go trough the bloodworks to get to the pit.
- Made some dialogue fixes...again.
- Mod cleaned with TesAme
08.23.2009 - Fixed a bug that you could still fight duels even if you were expelled from the Arena.
08.25.2009 - Fixed spelling + bad grammar
Version 4.5 (uber update)
- Replaced most of the sounds
- Graphical improvment in most of the things
- Completely changed betting and fighting in the Arena
- Dialogue fixes
- You can now ask other arena teammates to join you in team fights
- Some of the fights are "unique" in their own way
- Animated spectators (Thanks Archimaestro!)
- Removed enchantment from battle cuirasses and made the unechantabble
- Added training weapons to training area of bloodworks
- Changed arena bloodworks
- Added a little script to the Arena Master. so that he'll know what armor type is best for you, and will assign it to you. Same goes with Cuirass of Valor
- Now you are able to loot opponents corpses and leave the pit trough the door, but you will be expelled.
06.03.2010 - Fixed some major bugs
You may not upload this mod anywhere else, but if you plan to use any part of this mod ( including meshes, textures and icons )
in your own mods, you have to ask permission from me.
You can contact me in:
TesNexus/Nexus Forums
Planet Elder Scrolls
Bethesda Forums
Thanks to:
Better Head team for their meshes/texures
Emma for her better heads textures and meshes
Astarsis, Rhedd and Allerleirauh for Dark Elves Females mods texures/meshes (Astarsis can be reached at
Handicap for Spiked Barricades
Quarl for Blood meshes
povohulo for dialogue fixes
grVulture for some of the cuirass meshes and textures from Crusaders of Tamriel mod
Aaron French for the glass mesh
AcidBasick for Animated Practice Dummies
Oshiel for his animation replacer
Archimaestro Antares for many many many things (there wouldnt be a version 4.5 without him)
NMZMaster for his Elemental Magicka mod's spells
Dirnae for his animated ice block
People in Bethesda Forums for help
Bethesda for this wonderful game.
The Elder Scrolls III
Morrowind Mod:
Welcome to the Arena! V4.5
by Kalamestari_69
2.What this mod does?
3.Playing the Plugin
4.Save Games
5.Questions that has been asked
6.Other Info
First extract all the files in Data Files Folder into the Morrowind\Data Files directory. Then select the esp. you want to use. Open Morrowind launcher and select the esp. you've chosen.
With this mod, you can fight and bet for fights in the Vivec's Arena. Like in the the Imperial City Arena in Oblivion, there are apparent teams of combatants and scheduled matches.
- You will need Arena Battle "Cuirass" to fight in the arena
- There are three different types of cuirasses. Light, medium and heavy, as well as valor cuirasses. These will be assigned by the armor type that is best for you (if your light armor is highest, you get light cuirass)
- Levitating, unequiping the Battle Cuirass and leaving the arena pit is forbidden. If you do so, you will be discualified. Looting corpses
- There are 25 rank related battles, and after you have becamed the Grand Champion, you can still fight against the Champions once a week
- You will raise in ranks from Pit Dog to Grand Champion
- Like in Oblivion, you can't loot the combatants corpses
- There are fans watching and cheering in the pit when you fight in there. Fans appear also during the other fights in the arena. Against the Arch-Mage, the ArchMagister of Redoran, Garding the Bold and the Knight of the Imperial Dragon.
- If you are gambling type, you can bet for other arena combatants. Only you have to do, is to speek to Gadaves Omavel in the pit
- During ranking matches and champion fights, there will be spikes placecd in the edges of the pit and yes, they will hurt you when you run/jump at them.
- Some of the fights are "unique" in their own way. Be prepared for these
- Ask other arena teammates to join you in team fights
Here is list of versions of this mod:
Normal: Normal mod
Lofi: this version simply removes 20 of 43 fans from the pit
Harder: Much much hared version.
Harder + LoFi: Combination of Harder and LoFi
That is maybe all i need to say about this mod. Have fun to fight in the Arena!
From the Morrowind Launcher, Select Data Files and check the box
next to the Clean Welcome to the Arena!.esp file.
To start your journey, talk to the people of Vivec about Arena,
or just go to the Arena Bloodworks in Vivec Arena Canton and
talk to Jolgard if you want to join the arena. If you want to bet for fights, talk to Gadaves Omavel in the Arena Pit (between 10 am. to 6 pm.)
- As always. Backup your original save games.
- If you have old version of this mod and you replace it with new
version, you might encounter something that shouldn't be happening.
I recommend to use latest version of Wrye Mash and using "Repair All" command if you are planing
to replace the old mod or if you are having something else.
- If you don't want to do the things above, simply start a new game.
5.Questions that has been asked
1. Will this interfere with any quests from the main game that involve the arena?
Answer: No.
2. When i waited in the pit, i noticed that Tanusea Veloth disappears somehow. What i have done wrong?
Answer: Nothing. It's not my fault too. Sometimes, Tanusea Veloth isn't at the Arena, then you will have to reload Morrowind or use the console.
3. I don't think i'm extracting it right. I can't find the bloodworks and the arena pit still looks like it did before the mod. What do i do?
Answer: Go to Morrowind Launcher->Data Files and check the tiny white box left from the Welcome to the Arena!.esp File.
4. Where are the bloodworks?
Answer: Vivec->Vivec, Arena->Vivec, Arena Waistworks->South door in the upstairs that leads to "Vivec, Arena Bloodworks".
5. Is this combatible with Gladiator mod?
Answer: This mod is Incompatible with Gladiator mod.
6. What is recommened level to start this mod?
Answer: Something like 10-45.
7. Is it possible to levitate in the pit?
Answer: Well...Yes, but you will be disqualified.
9. What is recommened level to start the harder mod?
Answer: 35-100.
10. How many times i can be disqualified before i'll be expelled?
Answer: First time when you're disqualified, you get warning. Second time you will be expelled, and cannot rejoin the arena.
11. How bad is the Grand Champion?
Answer: You have to see it your self.
12. Is this mod incompatible with To the Death mod?
Answer: Maybe. I haven't tested it so i cannot be sure.
13. One of the practice dummies got broken. How do i get them repaired?
Answer: You have to talk about it with the smith of the bloodworks. If you are not a member of the arena, it will cost more to repair them.
14. What is different between normal and LoFi versions?
Answer: LoFi version simply removes 20 of 43 fans from the pit.
15. Does the spikes during the ranking match hurt you?
Answer: Yes, but only if you run/jump at them.
16. Does this mod reguire MWSE or any other program to run?
Answer: No.
17. Is this mod combatible with Morrowind Patch Project and Morrowind Code Patch?
Answer: Yes.
18. Is there any place in the bloodworks to store some of my items?
Answer: Resting area perhaps?
19. Is there anyway to leave the pit while fighting? Can it be done by scripted items?
Answer: Even if you leave the pit using item like Berne Amulet, you will be disqualified.
Version 1.0 Initial release
Version 1.5. Added missing files and removed screenshots so the
download wouldn't take so long.
Version 2.0 Added animated practice dummies to the training area.
Version 2.5 - Fixed couple of bugs.
- Mod cleaned with TesAme
- Changed most of the dialogue
- Added full functioning betting system
Final version 3.0 - Fixes minor bugs and some dialogue typos
- Added +10 levels to each combatant
- Grand Champion now uses he's deadly darts
- Added LoFi version.
- Added resting area
- Fixed so called "all the combatants against you bug" that appeared in Gladiator mod and also in the older versions of this mod.
- Mod cleaned with TesAme
- As a Grand Champion, you can still fight against the Red Team's Champions once a week.
06.16.2009 - Removed 90% alarm rating from fans.
06.19.2009 - Added two more esp:s for those who want some "over powered" combatants.
Final's Final version 4.0 - Fans appear also during the other fights in the arena. Against the Arch-Mage, the ArchMagister of Redoran, Garding the Bold and the Knight of the Imperial Dragon.
- Made the arena bloodworks more darker and also replaced the beds in the resting area with bedrolls.
- Now in every ranking match and every champion fight, there will be spikes placed in the pit. Yes, they will hurt you if you run/jump to them

- Now you can repair the dummies even if you're not a member of the arena, but it'll cost more.
- Now when there is match going on in the pit (like challenged the arch-mage or archmagister), the spectator area is closed. You have to go trough the bloodworks to get to the pit.
- Made some dialogue fixes...again.
- Mod cleaned with TesAme
08.23.2009 - Fixed a bug that you could still fight duels even if you were expelled from the Arena.
08.25.2009 - Fixed spelling + bad grammar
Version 4.5 (uber update)
- Replaced most of the sounds
- Graphical improvment in most of the things
- Completely changed betting and fighting in the Arena
- Dialogue fixes
- You can now ask other arena teammates to join you in team fights
- Some of the fights are "unique" in their own way
- Animated spectators (Thanks Archimaestro!)
- Removed enchantment from battle cuirasses and made the unechantabble
- Added training weapons to training area of bloodworks
- Changed arena bloodworks
- Added a little script to the Arena Master. so that he'll know what armor type is best for you, and will assign it to you. Same goes with Cuirass of Valor
- Now you are able to loot opponents corpses and leave the pit trough the door, but you will be expelled.
06.03.2010 - Fixed some major bugs
You may not upload this mod anywhere else, but if you plan to use any part of this mod ( including meshes, textures and icons )
in your own mods, you have to ask permission from me.
You can contact me in:
TesNexus/Nexus Forums
Planet Elder Scrolls
Bethesda Forums
Thanks to:
Better Head team for their meshes/texures
Emma for her better heads textures and meshes
Astarsis, Rhedd and Allerleirauh for Dark Elves Females mods texures/meshes (Astarsis can be reached at
Handicap for Spiked Barricades
Quarl for Blood meshes
povohulo for dialogue fixes
grVulture for some of the cuirass meshes and textures from Crusaders of Tamriel mod
Aaron French for the glass mesh
AcidBasick for Animated Practice Dummies
Oshiel for his animation replacer
Archimaestro Antares for many many many things (there wouldnt be a version 4.5 without him)
NMZMaster for his Elemental Magicka mod's spells
Dirnae for his animated ice block
People in Bethesda Forums for help
Bethesda for this wonderful game.