Welcome to Zion Rp Sign-Up/OOC

Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:29 pm


2284. Zion Canyon, largely spared from the horrors of the Great War, now has become a horror of itself. What was once a beautiful green landscape of plants, animals, and peaceful tribes now has many "seas" of brown dead land and savage tribals scattered around the Canyon. Just how did such a beautiful place become savage land with few pockets of green life left?

It started after the final departure of the Courier from Zion. The Sorrows were influenced to remain on their land instead of leave with Daniel to the Christianity influenced New Canaan. This created problems with Joshua Graham and the Dead Horses in the long run. Unable to see the world in the same way and frequent competitions, civil war began. Fighting among the two tribes spread like wildfires, even fires were frequent. Much of the land was destroyed and became infertile. These parts of the land became a dead brown color of dead trees and plants.

The Sorrows suffered heavy losses everyday until the tribe finally collapsed. The Dead Horses won a war once again and left Zion for a new home.

Caravan business in Zion suffered greatly after the absence of the two tribes, and a solution was quickly needed. Many settlements were established on Zion's lands, draining much of Zion's invaluable resources in the process. As the trading business prospered, Zion's great lands disappeared even more.

All sorts of new people began to flock into Zion. Ncr soldiers, wastelanders, chem addicts, and more made Zion their home. Some even created their own tribes. A tribe that rose quickly was made of chem heads, similar to the fiends in the Mohave. They pillage and terrorized Zion quickly after the tribes creation.

That's when the Forest Rangers were created. They were established to counter the "Reapers", the fiend group. The leader of this group also aimed to protect Zion's remaining land and even restore it. Their motto is," Be good, or die bad." This was what they wanted all tribes that started to spring up to understand. The restoration of Zion would begin soon, whatever means necessary.

Your Role: In this Rp, you can be a leader of your own tribe or a part of mine, the Forest Rangers. You can also be a part of someone else's tribe with their permission. If you wish to make your own tribe, post it's stats, history, equipment, ect. Also, for those who want to, you can have regular jobs, like a mercenary or bartender.

The "Reapers" is an npc tribal. They cannot be destroyed unless confirmed by me, which of course may be at the end of this Rp or even further. Small camps and groups of them however can be attacked or vice versa.

Character Sheet:
Occupation( or rank/position in tribe/group):
My character sheet

Name: Max Gordy
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupaton: "General" of Forest Rangers
Equipment: Pack to hold ammo, rations, and seeds. Binoculars, bandolier, lighter.
-Main- M95 Barrett .50 Caliber Sniper
-Sidearm- Glock 18
-Molotov Cocktails
Apparel: Desert Ranger Combat Armor and Desert Ranger Combat Helmet as seen here>>
Faction: Forest Rangers
Biography: Max Gordy came from the Mohave looking for a purpose. He was taught Christianity from Daniel when he visited New Vegas to stop all the sin going on there. Max became somewhat religious and learned to appreciate what the world had to offer, like plants and animals. After hearing about Zion, the land of green, he gathered his things and moved there to live off the lad. Depressed at the brown patches he saw everywhere, he moved to Snail Valley where large patches of green still were present. He farmed and lived off the land in a small cave. After hearing requests of "people capable of protecting the lands of Zion from the dangerous tribes," he figured he'd make a great aspect in the forming organization. He was given provided weapons and armor and quickly proved to be a man of survival in the wilderness and a great "hunter", both fiend and dangerous animals like giant cazadores. He was given the rank of general of the Forest Ranger and now has his organization based around the eastern virgin island.

Locations: All major locations of Zion Canyon are present. The map can be found here> http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Zion_worldmap_01.jpg

A few new ones are gonna be in the Rp also.

Zion City: The city that saved the trading business. This city houses hundreds maybe thousands of people in the center of Zion. The city ascends up on the mountain like terrain and has things like electricity, running hot water, ect.
Crime is common here too.

Woodsville: A medium sized town on the outskirts of Zion City. It's houses and Inns are made from Zion's trees. They provide a cozy comfort for easy living and a large creek is found east of the town. Friendly bars and general stores are common here.

Camp SweetWater: Known for it's location right off the bank of the Zion River, it is the base of the NCR operations inside Zion Canyon. It is heavily defended by wooden spear like walls and soldier tents outside of the main camp.

Zion River: The NCR side of this river is heavily radiated from the waste of the soldiers. However, on the opposite side of the river, fish swim happily in a small pocket of fresh water. A small Inn can be found here. It's a nice secluded area.

Eastern Virgin Island: The Forest Ranger's main HQ land, plants and wildlife roam freely and safely. The land remains largely untouched by man's creation and destruction. Small creaky bridges spread all around in the cliff areas where you can see the Canyon for miles.

Snail Valley: A passage way thy leads into unexplored hills, this valley is full of wild plants and animals. It is one of Zion's remaining forests. Beware, cazadores make many nest in those hills, breeding making different variants, from giant ones to young growing ones. This valley remains a common discussion is bars across Zion.

The Last Stand: The remaining Sorrows camp. Bullet markings and burned trees are evidence of the last stand, where the Sorrows and Dead Horses last fought each other. This camp camp remains empty. Prospector's claim they here ghosts "whisper through the wind" in that area.

The Northern/Southern Passage: The entrance and exit from Zion to the Mohave, or vice versa.

Red Gate: New Caanites remnants make this mountain top their home and church. People come here to learn of the "Survivalist" and Christianity.

Three Mary's: Found west of the N/S passage way, this canyon zigzags through a large mountain. The wilderness still left here continue to spread slowly. Many ambush spots in the canyon ridges are here.

Fiend Territory/ or "Chem Land": Lots of dead trees litter this large portion of land. Major bases of the fiend tribe here are hidden well from the towering hills and mountains. You will know what land they "own" when you see,"Reaper's Territory" signs.

Flak 'n Shrapnel Villa: Once an old ranch inhabited by a group of Mexicans the "Survivalist" found, it is now a weapons dealer. They sell high end weapons such as rpg-7s, assault rifles, ect. If you got the caps or barter material for trade, you could get yourself a new friend.

New settlements can be established as the Rp advances.

I'm open to more suggestions and ideas and I respect any concerns you may have.

Rp Rules:

1. No controlling other people's characters unless given permission too.
2. No "mind reading"
3. Don't be under in combat. You can die and get hurt easily in combat.
4. No "chain effects" This is where someone finds a warehouse of T-51 power armor and the next person finds a car dealership of tanks!
5. Respect each other. Insulting in character is fine, but if it gets into real world politics and such, that becomes a common problem where people lose friends quickly.
6. Romance is fine. Please keep it black screen fade out if it comes to that in respect of the mod's rules. And it doesn't happen overnight.
7. Keep OOC chat in OOC thread please.
8. Post often please to keep the Rp fun an active. Let me know if you can't post too often from an upcoming event or situation please.
9. 5 paragraph per post minimum
This keeps the Rp full of details an character.
10. No set events. If you need to do something with someone, like a meeting or interrogation, please inform me you do not want it disturbed an I will decide if it really is necessary or not.
11. Have fun. Suggestions and ideas are welcome.

If you want to make a tribe or group, give me some thorough details please!

This Rp will began after a good amount of Rp members join. New members welcome too.
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Claire Jackson
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Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:38 pm

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