Good luck with this. All my characters are their own races. I haven't played a default race since 2006. If I can help with anything don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you very much. I might well take you up on that!
I've read through the CS details around making new races and I have that bit understood.
My plan largely was this:
1. Using Nords as a template, create a duplicate and call it Niamh.
2. Amend the stats to match what her skills ingame are now.
3. In the data directory, create a mesh folder called Niamh and a texture folder as the same and copy the contents of the imperial folders into them.
4. In the file section in the CS redirect the hand and feet textures to these directories, because as far as I am aware it's these that most body texture mods seem to change. I want her to be an EXACT copy of what she is now so I figure that since all the textures she uses are imperial ones - (as opposed to Nord?) - that should work fine.
5. In game, open console, use showracemenu and do the thing with that.
6. Then, because I cannot find how to do it in the CS help, I'm figuring I'll just run showclassmenu and showbirthsignmenu to attach her original details, and that should sort her bonuses.
Job done...?!
I think...
I was thinking I might look at another custom race and see how that is laid out as well, so that I use that as some help if/when I get stuck!!