Some people don't

like me. When I am going to play a multiplayer focused game I expect to get more out of it then 7 hours of shooting and having unlocked most of it's content. I am certainly not a big CoD fan but brink could learn a thing or 2 from call of duty's ranking system. Not saying they should copy it 100% but being able to rank to an almost unreachable 10th prestige ( for me that is ) is more appealing then playing 7 hours and having almost nothing to unlock anymore.
COD prestige is the biggest charade in FPS history. "Ok I got to the highest level, lets do it again." I got to tenth prestige in COD4 and only prestiged once in every COD game after that (played all of em since 4). The only things worth prestiging for is to get an extra customization slot. Banners, icons, colored clan names are such a BS reason to go through 50 levels of ranking multiple times. If thats your thing then enjoy it, however, I want to enjoy the perks & guns I unlocked for a few games I dont want to prestige as soon as Ive gotten the good stuff (including the second rank of perks). COD has made people actually want to strip themselves of all the goodies so that a stupid lil icon next to your name changes to a skull from a dragon. Plus most people just glitch to the highest prestige anyways so its not like any1 i see who has a high prestige I automatically think is good.
If you want to prestige in Brink its called make a new character (there are ten slots after all) and you can have a ton of fun playing from lvl 1 to lvl 20 again. I myself am going to be making a bunch of characters and trying out all the attachments, customization, body types, and finding all the crazy ways to get around a level using SMART as a way to get lots of playing time outta this game.