Well, lvl 20 , so what now ?

Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:23 am

Nah i bought the game to play and cooperate with people to complete missions and gain a lil reward once in awhile after playing the game for so long.

As it turns out though, No one talks (text or voice) in this game and most of the people i've played with were just concentrating on killing people and tea-bagging. So it ended up with me doing almost every mission (there was the occasional person who knew what to do) and getting almost 15k points per game.

So now im trying to find out if i should keep playing, Wait till they fix bugs, wait till people start playing the game like the like-minded ppl on the forum or what ? >> random i know

LOL reminds me of BF:BC2 playing Conquest & I'm the only 1 taking the flag while all my team camps/hides every where on the map and spread out too much i earn 8k to 17k a match of BC2 that's why I'm in the 1K mark on BC2 LB's.

Btw I'm not like the other rank 50's that spawn camp in the AH-64 or any other hellie and tanks as well 12K+ kills with F2000 *BLANK* YEA BABBY
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:17 pm

You have a good point. But if you think about it, some people just want to jump right in the game and try to get everything unlocked quickly. That way they don't have to be worried about spending ages to catch up with the rest of the community. They can jump on for a solid hour or so and have an absolute blast. But more ranks will be introduced I bet, people will find this flaw quite annoying. I think the equivalent to presitge 5 is reasonable, that's my personal opinion.
But I respect the fact that some people like me that don't have very long to play games can jump on without being majorly disadvantaged.

Even if you jump in to the game and don't want to unlock everything quickly then you still unlock things rapidly. Not everyone is patient enough to quit playing for the sake of leveling up to fast. No game should force that upon you. Even if it is unintentionally
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:15 am

Even if you jump in to the game and don't want to unlock everything quickly then you still unlock things rapidly. Not everyone is patient enough to quit playing for the sake of leveling up to fast. No game should force that upon you. Even if it is unintentionally

Eh, I don't know, hopefully they fix it then. But as you said, I'm doing a JajaGun so it doesn't bother me ;)
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:37 am

I guess this game is made for jajagun people XD
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:41 am

That's like eating cake and then saying "Now what?"
Well, you could have MOAR cake, you can have different cake, you can drink a glass of milk and call it quits for a few hours, OR you can deem the cake as a lie and never eat the cake again. Either way, the cake is a cake and should be savored, not rushed through
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:07 am

As far as I have read you don't even need to rush through to unlock everything within 10 hours :P

and you really make a weird example zero :P

you can't have more 'cake' after unlocking everything in brink. All the remains is the multiplayer which is fun as far as i know but it also very flawed. And you can drink a glass of milk and quit drinking it for a few hours but the milk will taste like ass.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:16 pm

A game made for me? Really? <3
Such a shame I have a job, study, more study, more work, and a girlfriend... :/
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JR Cash
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:39 pm

well then it is perfect for you! people who have a job who study and have a girlfriend only have to play 7 hours to unlock almost everything! I guess it gives somewhat a sense of accomplishment for people with limited time :)
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louise tagg
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:44 pm

showoff i just have work and the job but i'll see your study study and girlfriend and raise you stress. some of which stemming from a company car with no working handbrake.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:21 am

well then it is perfect for you! people who have a job who study and have a girlfriend only have to play 7 hours to unlock almost everything! I guess it gives somewhat a sense of accomplishment for people with limited time :)

Sure does! Too bad that's only like 5% of the gaming community..
Oh well, you guys can suffer while I enjoy my solid 15/30 minutes per DAY!
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:10 am

showoff i just have work and the job but i'll see your study study and girlfriend and raise you stress. some of which stemming from a company car with no working handbrake.

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George PUluse
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:49 pm

I am studying, I have a girlfriend and I have a job! And I still manage to game most of my day! Me gusta ^.^
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:37 am

I am studying, I have a girlfriend and I have a job! And I still manage to game most of my day! Me gusta ^.^

im not the only one it seems ^^
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:35 am

All the hardcoe gamers with a social life unite!!!!!!

Just kiddin.

Let's stay on topic
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:43 am

Levelling in these sort of games don't really appeal to me anyhow. It's supposed to be an equal battlefield from level 0-20, just that you have more options in the latter stages for your single character to utilise and once you've maxed him out you can recreate a different player and do it all differently.

I loved Bad Company 2 and the ranking meant absolutely nothing to me other than an indication of how long you've been playing really. I reached rank 50 and it made no difference to my play approach from the beginning. Most of the weapons/gadgets I unlocked a LONG time before mid-ranking and still I was able to spend hours with one kit/weapon/tactical approach and then change it once I fancied something different, e.g. being an Engineer, supporting tanks, wiping out others with RPGs and using silenced SMGs etc. Then after weeks of that I'd switch to Assault and provide ammo for team-mates, use one of the various assault rifles and change my approach to each game mode again. And I played conquest so much on the same playlist of maps and it never got boring for me.

Levelling isn't important. Gameplay, connection and graphical consistency and networking fun is more important. I just sincerely hope that Brink pulls that off neatly.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:59 pm

Experiment with weapons, classes, guns, attatchments, tactics and stuff!
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Jade Payton
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:36 am

CoD player detected.

is this supposed to be funny? -.- Im a COD player aswell so what? If Brink wants to compete with other games it has to do things right PERIOD
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Liv Brown
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:14 am

Seriously do you need an incentive to keep playing?

Many gamers do, I would wager that the majority of gamers out there need some sort of cheese at the end of the maze to keep playing. Honestly, if it wasn't for that, the majority of gaming would be a complete waste of time and should probably be banded due to the time restraints it puts on our young people and takes them away from actually progressing in their life. incentive is what keeps you playing based on the simple understanding of "reward" which is key in a game. If there is no reward there is no reason to play. It is the win, the prize, the key to game making. Thats basic game design.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:02 am

Some people don't :P like me. When I am going to play a multiplayer focused game I expect to get more out of it then 7 hours of shooting and having unlocked most of it's content. I am certainly not a big CoD fan but brink could learn a thing or 2 from call of duty's ranking system. Not saying they should copy it 100% but being able to rank to an almost unreachable 10th prestige ( for me that is ) is more appealing then playing 7 hours and having almost nothing to unlock anymore.

COD prestige is the biggest charade in FPS history. "Ok I got to the highest level, lets do it again." I got to tenth prestige in COD4 and only prestiged once in every COD game after that (played all of em since 4). The only things worth prestiging for is to get an extra customization slot. Banners, icons, colored clan names are such a BS reason to go through 50 levels of ranking multiple times. If thats your thing then enjoy it, however, I want to enjoy the perks & guns I unlocked for a few games I dont want to prestige as soon as Ive gotten the good stuff (including the second rank of perks). COD has made people actually want to strip themselves of all the goodies so that a stupid lil icon next to your name changes to a skull from a dragon. Plus most people just glitch to the highest prestige anyways so its not like any1 i see who has a high prestige I automatically think is good.

If you want to prestige in Brink its called make a new character (there are ten slots after all) and you can have a ton of fun playing from lvl 1 to lvl 20 again. I myself am going to be making a bunch of characters and trying out all the attachments, customization, body types, and finding all the crazy ways to get around a level using SMART as a way to get lots of playing time outta this game.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:55 am

I don't need to have played this game to know that leveling up is way to easy. Co-op in this game rewards more then just going on a killing spree I believe. So either way you level up fast. Unless you go jajagun style and play the game as little as possible.

This is off topic, but your avatar scares the **** out of me.
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lillian luna
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:51 pm

You guys realize that this clown made this thread to get the "look at me" attention of being sooo awesome and leveling up soooo fast. Let's not feed this guy any more. He's had more than his fill of attention. Too bad he can't say the same thing about Brink. He probably found some lame way to get exp fast and just did that over and over. Grats, you win... absolutely nothing.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:48 pm

is this supposed to be funny? -.- Im a COD player aswell so what? If Brink wants to compete with other games it has to do things right PERIOD

Doing things right doesn't mean it has to be reskinned CoD.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:05 am

Now this goes for any game: If you aren't playing the game because you think it is fun, and are only in it to reach the shiny stuff being dangled in front of you, sell the game. You don't like it.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:02 am

Why has gaming become all about achievements? Back in my day we played games for fun. Now it's like you actually feel the need for some kind of reward for doing things that don't need one. If you're bored of the game already because it's stopped giving you cookies, I'm sorry man, you've missed the original point of gaming to begin with.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:57 pm

Leveled to 20? Congratulations, you should now have all the equipment and clothing, mix and match! You don't have to worry about [censored] up with your new [censored], there is no K/D to be messed up

Leveled to 20? Congratulations, now maybe you should try making a new character with new looks and other abilities? You want to try out everything, yes?

There is no lobbies for the consoles? Congratulations, Splash Damage - big [censored] up

I have my hopes for this game up still, yes.. I will let it stay for a week or two before I stamp it with ''svcks nuts'', ''svcks'', ''Meh'', ''Nice'', or ''YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH''

After all these threads, posts and reviews.. It took away alot of the buzz for me.. If so many hates it, there must be something wrong - everyone is not a ''codfag'' or a ''noob'' or whatever

I quote myself from another thread, the two above sentences are what some should get
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sam smith
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