As some of you may know, I mentioned in a post earlier today I had to cancel my pre order from Gamestop because I had to spend $170 on new tires for my ten year old car. I tell you, I was bummed.
Well, one of the Nine must love me because my daughter's boyfriend loaned me sixty bucks so I could pre order online for my Xbox. I am installing as I write this. He knows how much I love games and when I asked him for help he was more than willing to help me out.
You would think that someone like me that is almost 50 years would not care about a video game, but I've been gaming since I played PONG for the first time in the 70s. I can't help it. Gaming is my passion. I can't get the hard cover guide anymore, but at least I can play.
Well, I got really lucky and found a way to make this happen. Yeah, I'll have the funds in December but that's 3 weeks away. /shudder