» Sat May 28, 2011 7:46 am
If you are fighting your way through dungeons using destruction spells you could try using the spellmaker to spice those destructive spells with extra effects. You can add up to 3 effects per spell. For example light 1 second is cheap and trains illusion. Other choices that come to my mind at the moment heal stamina 1point (restoration), levitate or free action 1sec (alteration), silence or soul trap 1sec (mysticism), water walking 1sec (thaumaturgy). If you make the spell raise +1 per 2 levels or more the spell becomes even cheaper to cast and produces the same training effect.
For practical spells, if you want to cast water walking it's better to make a separate spell that combines water walking and water breathing, but don't make it too expensive.
These spells are additive so if you cast them more than once with the Q key for example you can keep adding to the duration and the training effect is greater because you will cast those spells more times.