Curie and I stopped by the Warwick Homestead to say "hi" yesterday. I had already been there, fixed their pump and done some trading, established myself as a nice person.
This time, I accidently hit the RB and activated 'Bash'. I connected with the little boy's jaw. Bad move - instant hostility from the rest of the advlts. I'm in combat armor with ballistic weave, so it's beneath my dignity to notice their attack, for now. My weapon is holstered, and I wait. I was hoping for some kind of "cooler heads prevailing" solution, where my weapon being put away might calm the situation.
A minute goes by, they're still shooting, and now Curie "hates this" and a screen pops up asking for Curie's reassignment - she wants to walk out on me! I'm still trying to process that bit of news, when that screen goes away. Only now, Curie is hostile, and firing!
I don't know what to do about Curie, because I have Inspirational(2), meaning in theory we can't hurt each other directly. I can seriously damage the other Warwicks though, so I chase them down because now I'm annoyed. Then I restore to an earlier save and everyone forgets.
Lessons learned:
1) Save early; save often
2) Be careful with the controller; No Fat Fingers!