Well this svcks (Lycanthropy)

Post » Fri May 17, 2013 3:58 am

So i have been working my behind off in my profile. Level 90 100% legit, doing all small things etc.

So before i activated Dawnguard DLC, i completed the Companions to gain the beast form (100% immune to disease).

So, after Dawnguard main quest is done, started working on side quests. So i had to re-enter soul cairn, which meant that i had to become a vampire to get inside.

That means no more beast form, after completing whatever i had to do in Soul cain, i went to Aela and got back beast form.

Then i realised i forgot to get another quest in soul cain (gathering papiers for someone no spoilers).

So again i change to a vampire, and when that is done, i go back to Aela....

This is where she does not give me an option for beast form, i read somewhere that Aela will only allow you to have beast form ONCE, is that true?

Seriously Bethesda, if you made it so, then Aela should have a dialog saying "i can only restore you'r beast blood once". Now i can not have access to the underforge, nor can i do any quests for the totems of Hircine.

Seriously, if i only knew this in game, instead of spending 10+ hours in soul cairn doing everything.

Is there a way around this? i found some random werewolfs, but i never caught lycanthropy from them. I would really like a work around and regain access to the underforge and do the totems of hircine.

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Alister Scott
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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 1:13 pm

If you are on PC, there is a mod called Tales of Lycanthrophy which allows you to catch lycanthropy from wild werewolves (it also has a nice system of transformations based on the phases of the moons that you can customise). Not sure about console commands, since they can muck things up. If you're on XBox or PS3, I don't think there's anything you can do to become a werewolf again.

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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 4:40 pm

You don't need to be a vampire to enter Soul Cairn. For first time you can ask Serana to partially soul trap you. Once you regained your "missing" part of your soul, you can revisit Soul Cairn any time, no need for vampirism or anything else.

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri May 17, 2013 2:34 am

This is why you go with the Soul Trap option when first entering the Soul Carin, that way you wont lose your Lycanthropy.

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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 4:46 pm

For this profile, i asked her to turn me into a vampire.

every profile i asked for a soul trap option, but what is the point of playing the game over and over again, doing the exact same things? i wanted a different experience, and boy did i get a black eye from Bethesda with this only one time regain beast blood from Aela thing.........

I think i may have found a console command, to reset the dialog, will give that a shot first.

This is the first profile, that is 100% clean. I did not touch the core mechanics of the game. Mods i have are just textures and retextures, a couple of new armours and a couple of new weapons, but nothing OP that make my character god like on Master. Also, i want full access to the underforge to start working on the Totems of Hircine as well.

As i said, i got really lucky with this profile, no bugs no broken quests, no missing things (knock on wood), only console commands were the showrace menu, looks like another console command maybe required to get Aela's dialog resetted......dang.

My point is, if Bethesda only gave us one chance to go back to being a werewolf, Aela should have a dialog mentioning this is only one time instead of finding it out the hard way.

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