So, I decided that my Nord Stormcloak would pretend to join the Imperials, steal the Jagged Crown and report back to Ulfric to confuse the Imperial troops and 'gain intelligence' for a new role-play idea.
So, I enter Solitude as I prepare to 'join the Legion' and look to my right, expecting the same old sight, but... Nobody was there. At all.
No executioner, no Rogvir, no gawkers... I asked around, and nobody said anything about Rog's execution.
It never happened! It actually didn't happen in my playthrough!
I know this is just a glitch, but it affected the story for my role-play, allowing me to improvise and come up with a different plot as to before.
Anybody else experience this?
Oh, by the way, I did leave and reenter the city a couple of times, and again after 2 in-game weeks. Still nothing.