How often do you become were-wolf and why?
How often do you become were-wolf and why?
Welcome to the world of tommorow!!!
And in response to your query, whenever I feel the need to wolf out, though I'm starting to feel the call of the bloodsvckers
I do it as part of role-play.
My current Character has to rely on Cure Disease Potions everynight, If She runs out She turns into a werewolf on the spot as soon as the sun sets, even if in an important area. She went full werewolf during the "your the new guild leader" ceremony for the thieves guild... that turned out....quite poorly actually.
I have been a Werewolf on some of my characters, but I haven't really found a use for them. Their 100% Disease Resistance is nice though.
Well at least they are good for roll players and they gave us the option again
After some adventuring I head back into one of the major capitals and vendor off items. When I'm done - I rob the entire city.
After the robbery, it's time for the hunt! I wolf out and attack every guard. I keep my shout as the terrify-howl so I keep my vendor NPCs away.
I LOVE finding some essential-tagged PCs though! Nothing is more fun than running up to a Jarl in his bed while they're sleeping, uppercutting him/her out of the bed sending them flying across the room with me shouting in a deep growling voice "Waaakey-WAAAAKEY!!!!"
That tag is actually a cruel lie by Bethesda. I still occasionally catch disseases. I actually caught one WHILE i was in werewolf form no less! >_<
They seem to happen on bear traps...
That's what the Joker says in Injustice.
This is the best, made me laugh. It's got to be voted for best post of the month.
That's what England has been saying since the 1800s whenever they wake somebody up.... it's a cultural thing that has always led to amusing jokes.
The Joker didn't coin that, you know. Hell man, even Mojo Jojo used it on the Powerpuff Girls once!
"and we stand here to honor you as our new Guild Leader! We welcome you into our Family and hope for a long and prosperous OH BLOODY HELL!!!!"
Well, you learn something everyday.
I remember watching Powerpuff Girls when I was younger. Is that strange for a guy?
My barbarian wolfs out for sometimes days, even weeks, at a time (in game time). He's quite fond of the beast, only reverting to enter town and sell loot, or to get some actual hunting done for crafting leather and ore mining. All in toll though, he spends more time as a wolf than as a man.