When it is just one person, you can stand up to them. When it is an organized effort by an entire sports team, you are well and truly [censored]. I think it really burned them that I was a book-loving band geek from some loser poor family, and I was still better at soccer than all of those upper-middle class jocks with dentist dad's and memberships at the country club.
This is why no one ever picked on me
Mamagato: Standing talking to tenth grade english teacher
GrabbyMcGrabbyhands: Grabs Mamagato's ass and squeezes
Mamagato: *Turns round, fakes with right hand, uses left hook, knocks Grabbyhands over three rows of desks.* Instictinve reaction
Mamagato: " DONT TOUCH ME EVER!!!"
Grabby Mc Grabbyhands has a nosebleed and the teacher runs to the desk to get smelling salts. Because I TKO'd him.
KId in row up against wall: " DId you see her left hook"
Buddy sitting next to him " Damn!! Mean left hook!
They go after class and tell EVERYONE what I did. Boys are afraid to date me. It's ok, most of them were idiots. I dated outside the school.
I did not get into trouble at all. Grabbyhands, however, got suspended. He also brought me flowers and apologized. I did not date him.
I also only meant to scare him, not knock him out.
My three brothers and I used to duke it out with boxing gloves. When we physically fought with each other, my dad would make us fight wearing the gloves for a full ten rounds.
We wore ourselves out.
In sixth grade I also got into a fight with a boy, we rolled over and over on the playground, and I punched him in the face. He hit me there first, it was only fair.
When in my 20's, I was sixually assaulted though, nothing I did helped. I was in a postion where he had me at a disadvantage. No one is invincible.