» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:12 pm
Give them this look:
When I was younger I was a very shy, inseccure child. The perfect victim for a bully. I realised fairly early on that what they were looking for was some sort of reaction, so I simply deprived them of that reaction. I didn't really react to them. At first I just ignored them and of course they would tease me about being mute and all that. Other times I would simply agree with them: "You're ugly - yeah, I guess I'm pretty ugly"
It got me off the hook as they found out I was no fun.
I'm not sure I would recommend this in the long run, I sure as hell stayed insecure for a long time.
I don't know what I can say to help you. Be confident in yourself. Be cool in the way that you can relax and not let them get to you. Realize that what they're saying shouldn't affect you or your mood the slightest. Respect yourself, don't let anyone waste your time or resources. And demand respect from others.
The key isn't to get payback, the key is to learn from them and step up on a higher level.
Here's my suggestion: Every time they bully you, stay calm and learn from the experience. See it as a challenge.
edit: Come to think of it, bullies bully people to feel better about them selves, they want to feel like they're the 'alpha male' - so the worst that could happen for a bully is if someone was more alpha than themselves. So if you simply look at them, amused, almost laughing, really showing that they're not getting anywhere. You will come of as the cool guy too.