Were you Bullied? #2

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:18 am

So, when I was a lurker here, I remember there being a thread like this. People bully me. Constantly. They rip my art-work, destroy it when I need to hand it up for marking. They call me names for not having a girlfriend, that will have a whole line of censors if I tell what that say. They tip my locker, so when I go to open it, all my books fall to the floor, so then I'm late for my next class. I get bullied for my religon. I am the geek/nerd everyone enjoys picking on. Middle School (aka High School, Junior High...Whatever you want to call it) svcks. I am glad for my friends, though. I'm just posting this, so we can UNITE against the school bullies. So, who else here was bullied?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:33 pm

Sticking with your friends as much as you can is the best way to get them to stop. They go for the people by themselves because they are easier targets.

Anyway, I was bullied at Primary (Elementary in the US I believe.) but I just fought them when they started picking on me, which was quite often. Not a pleasant experience.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:34 am

I can't say that I don't know too many people who weren't bullied, including myself.

Mostly it happened during middle school but it pretty much stopped around 8th grade. Moving on to high school I can't say I had a whole lot of trouble with anyone. Bullying pretty much died down for me but mostly I was in class studying (even during lunch) so I stayed out of a lot of trouble.
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candice keenan
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:17 am

I was bullied in late primary and early high school. Then I grew to 6"1' and mysteriously it stopped.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:04 am

I wasn't bullied much at all. In middle school, I think 8th grade there was a kid that always gave me trouble, and even threw my lunch in the garbage once. In high school I was only ever bullied once really, but then I somehow insulted him pretty bad and he left me alone. That's pretty much it, I wasn't bullied much but I was ignored (which was almost just as bad).
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Andy durkan
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:51 pm

Best way to make them stop is to convince them that your bat[censored] insane... seriously, laugh a couple times, and if they insult you laugh louder (and more like a maniac). Nobody wants to get on the wrong side of someone whom's mind is potentially unstable and may suddenly go on a murder spree.

... Well it worked for me anyways.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:58 am

I could bench press 90kg (~200 pounds) when I was 17 and I've been doing Judo, taekwondo and brazilian jiujitsu for years. What do you think?
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:44 pm

Bullies are weak, but that may not be much consolation for what you are going through.
Never bullied, extensively, myself. The one guy that got on my nerves was tackled after some passing comment about my family.

I could bench press 90kg (~200 pounds) when I was 17 and I've been doing Judo, taekwondo and brazilian jiujitsu for years. What do you think?

trunk monkey trumps all that though
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:48 am

Best way to make them stop is to convince them that your bat[censored] insane... seriously, laugh a couple times, and if they insult you laugh louder (and more like a maniac). Nobody wants to get on the wrong side of someone whom's mind is potentially unstable and may suddenly go on a murder spree.

... Well it worked for me anyways.

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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:27 am


The 'Hold me back" technique may work just as well....But there's thos other kid -my friend-that was bullied too. Worse than me. Then he stopped coming to school for a long while, because he had cancer. When the bullies faound out, they stopped bulling him and showed him sympathy (he's getting better, of you're wondering). Then he told me it was really two-faced of them to do that.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:22 am

Way back in elementary school. But my friends and I showed bullies what was up.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:50 am

I was bullied and beaten back in primary school and early high school, for being lanky and not good at sports, (and listening to old music) :(, but in grade 9 eveyone generally stops being an [censored]
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Amanda savory
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:11 am

I honestly don't have any memory of being bullied. :shrug:

For primary school I went to a tiny village school where everyone know everyone (and their parents) so the kids all just got along and played fine. There was only 10 of us in each year so we were generally around kids of loads of different ages.

I went to an all girls senior school and again, just the dynamic of the place meant very little bullying went on (that I was aware of...). I was considered 'funny' (god knows why) and somewhat self depreciating (without being a pity party ;)) so people tended not to make fun of me. Dunno why, I was overweight and fairly unattractive!! :)
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:23 am

WTF wierdest Double post ever
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:24 am

I was bullied and beaten back in primary school and early high school, for being lanky and not good at sports, (and listening to old music) :(, but in grade 9 eveyone generally stops being an [censored]

I'm in Year 9 :( Anyways, I'm not gonna let them get to me so much that I can't take it anymore.
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patricia kris
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:55 am

Nah, my friends would be useless in a bullying situation but my sister would go crazy [censored] if I were to be bullied. But then I'd owe her a favour afterwards... >_>
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matt white
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:13 am

Nah not really. I got mildly bullied in 8-9th grade. In 6th grade we switched to a new school and one of my (really good) friends who switched to the same school started bullying me somewhat in 8-9th. Which was very weird, since we where such good friends before. He did it as a way of impressing "the cool guys" in the new school.

I just ignored him and beat him up once or twice as he was a short skinny guy and I'm tall and strong. And eventually "the cool guys" saw him for what he was and they started bullying him. And at that point I had already become somewhat friends with "the cool guys". Leading my old friend to get pissed off at me for not helping him out. Weird kid.
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james reed
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:17 am

Well my old school which I attended until middle school was virtually empty of Bullies...

And then I moved... I was bullied about everything I was even stabbed in the back with scissors but as time went on people generally forgot about me and stopped bullying me except when I draw attention to my self

And contrary to popular belief, bullying does not stop at Grade 9 :(
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:05 am

I was bullied pretty mercilesly for years for being a tall, lanky, "wierd" kid, till I hit puberty. Over the summer holidays my chest and shoulders literally doubled in size. First day back in school I flattened the worst ones nose and suddenly the others didn't want to fight anymore. Now I'm training to be a professional wrestler (So I guess I'm still "Wierd" haha.)

Violence isn't really the solution usually, but if it does come to that, aim for the nose mate. At the very least it'll make their eyes water for long enough for you to get out of there. :thumbsup:

Important thing to remember is that once school is over you'll never have to deal with these dikes ever again.
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Rodney C
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:18 am

When did you guys turn into collosals?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:13 am

And contrary to popular belief, bullying does not stop at Grade 9 :(

Just my personal experience, I kind of stopped asking questions in class and stuff in Grade Nine tough <_<
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:29 am

Yeah a bit in middle school, not as much in high school but there were some people. Heck even now I get bullied, but I bite back just as much so meh.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:25 am

I used to years ago when I was at school. Typical stuff, the worst I can remember was if I was passing certain people in the corridor, they would grab the side of my head and kind of smash it into the wall. It svcks, but chances are you'll look back on it and realise it's not a big deal.
It's nice for me as I live pretty much in the same area, and all the kids who bullied me are either unemployed and tied down with loads of kids they don't seem too bothered about, in prison, or serving me in some capacity - one of them cashed up my petrol the other day. :)
Just hang in there, and stick with good friends and you can't go wrong.

I should also add that one woman who used to bully me actually came over to me once and apologised for the way she had treated me back then. Some people are just [censored]s, and nothing will change, but some are just immature and too stupid to realise how hurtful and cruel they're being right now.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:40 am

I was bullied during the beginning of fourth grade, but I was skinny as hell at that time. Later on I was pretty fat (during around 5-10th grade) but no one really bothers bigger folk in my school. But then towards the end of 10th and during 11th I lost fat and gained muscle, so no one would bully me anyway. I'm a decent fighter, and was an anti-bullying prefect for some time too, so I was all good. :D

However my little brother gets bullied a lot. Conversely, my brothers bullies get punished quite severely. And not during school hours. :evil:
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:32 pm

I was bullied during the beginning of fourth grade, but I was skinny as hell at that time. Later on I was pretty fat (during around 5-10th grade) but no one really bothers bigger folk in my school. But then towards the end of 10th and during 11th I lost fat and gained muscle, so no one would bully me anyway. I'm a decent fighter, and was an anti-bullying prefect for some time too, so I was all good. :D

However my little brother gets bullied a lot. Conversely, my brothers bullies get punished quite severely. And not during school hours. :evil:

My bro looks intimidating and has muscle. I'll just ask him to visit his old school again....
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