Maybe I'm just being too asky though. Your thoughts?
Yeah we could've used more armor sets but the DLC's have added a good amount onto what Skyrim originally launched with.
I find that there is a nice assortment of armor. I mean isn't it always nice to have more? I think they stopped at a good point though.
I think the armor variety is great and with the DLCs its even more fun. I think the current amount is just right to let the character of the world of SKYRIM speak without getting drowned with too much armor types or anything else. If I want more variety I will go play another Elder Scrolls rpg for something different.
Honestly, I wasn't at all. I wished there would have been a few more variations of the basic armor types, and at least some difference in the more advanced ones.
They did a good job in my opinion, but in this case more is better (as long as quality in design and appearance remains constant throughout). I was most impressed by the fact that there were more than one models of some armors (iron, steel, elven).
I am satisfied enough but there is always room for more. I just don't get why they couldn't add as much variations of armor as Morrowind had.
I like some of the designs. They should have had more unique armor pieces though (helm of yngol etc) that was on par with what you can enchant yourself.
IMO, the variation in vanilla Skyrim is 'okay', but 'great' with DLC. Armours such as Chitin, Dawnguard and Nordic Carved are great additions to the game.
Also, why do Paladins have to wear a particular set of armour? I doubt the Nine are big on fashion ...
Yeah I kinda wish that both of those armor types were in Skyrim.
I wish that they made more variations of faction armors. It bothers me that the Thugs Guild have 3 different armor variations and nightingale but the companions only have 1 and you have to buy it. I would have liked a light wolf armor, a heavy stormcloak armor, a heavy clown brotherhood armor for those who don't want to be sneaky (Think this guy would have worn yoga tights armor? and heavy fur armor with more fur and fur on top of that fur. Also, they should have separated the hood from the mage's robes. Coolest hood in the game and it has to be glued to those terrible robes. Would have been awesome for spellswords or battlemages.
Also, Dragon priest robes. A bunch of masks that don't go with anything and clip with everything. Just look at how disgusting my mage looks. Blue/black mask with gold lines with green robes. Looks terrible.
The flavorful quality of elder scrolls totally got stunted in this one imo. It is like one big walking carbon copy, and here is the modern day interaction engine. enjoy.
Mods surely help it though, still doesnt have the signature elderscrolls favor I had previously enjoyed.
I'm fine with the amount of armours even with mods all I really use is Ancient Falmer, Nordic carved, Ancient Nord, Glass, Ebony and Elven or a reskin of those unless playing as a mage or assassin.
There wasn't enough weapon types though with only 2 ranged weapons and 4 melee weapons for onehanded and only 3 for twohanded they really should have added spears back in, especially with the dragons and solstheim being in the game.
I'm not satisfied with the armours from just a personal taste perspective nor from a logical/lore perspective. Like dwemer didn't have light armour?
It is a step up from Oblivion to be sure, especially with the DLC. I would like more, however. But I always want more armor and weapons to chose from.
Lots of different armour types and that is good.
Less than half the apparel slots that would be needed for a decent roleplay and customisation and that is very bad.
I mean, only six apparel slots, only one ring, its awful.
I want: Helm, armour, greaves, pauldrons, legs, gloves, boots, cape, two rings and an amulet. I want to wear clothing under and robes over my armour.
More variation is always good. I was hoping that Nordic Chainmail from Morrowind would make a comeback, but that didn't happen. Was also hoping that Imperial Heavy Armor would have cloaks like in the concept art. As far as clothing goes there's the Hammerfell Garb and the Dumer Clothes from Dragonborn. Those were two steps in the right direction. I'm having a blast playing a Redguard right now because of it. It heightens the role play experience IMO.