» Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:25 am
Just listened to the Podcast... some great info in there!... the way the perks are described sounds great!
Here's my comments though, based on what Todd said, and some additional thoughts I've had since playing thorugh Oblivion again in the past month:
The "Spreadsheet" Factor of Spellmaking - I love the idea of the perk system and specializations within each category, and what you said about the different types of fire magic... but I would not make the assumption that the "spreadsheet aspect" of spellmaking is bad... In fact, its one of the things I like the most about TES... the ability to "do the math" and still create very specific spells... and have that type of customization. I think you should still be able to play with the numbers and make your own spells, but then the perks can just add-on to that "spreadsheet based" spell construction. I want the ability to delve deep into the system and tweak and customize it.... that's some of my favorite parts of RPG, Strategy and Sim games.
Companions - Don't really care for them much... unless its done like Dragon Age where you really control the group and each companion's strategy and growth. Otherwise, I feel like it takes away from the experience of "being in control of your fights"... and they often just get in the way of the fights... I avoided keeping companions as much as possible in Fallout.
The Map - Include indicators or color reference on which dungeons/locations have been completed (explored at least 50% maybe) and which dungeons haven't been completed... so later in the game, you can easily see which dungeons/quests have still not been explored.
Creature Size Variations - I think it would be very cool (and relatively easy to implement) to really vary the sizes of each creature type more in Skyrim, in association with the Hit Points associated with the creature... So when you're fighting a Troll, you may run into one that's relatively short at 6ft tall (a young troll) or an overgrown 12ft tall one (a oversized advlt troll) ... and the smaller one might only have 1200 HP, and the oversized advlt troll might have 3000 HP... but they could still use the same model and textures... just use more sizing/visual cues for each type of creature and its associated Hit Points... so it feels like you're running into more unique creatures... If you see a 6ft Troll, you may think... "okay, I can kill this guy, he's not too big"... if you see a 9ft Troll you may think "whoa, another one of these guys, they're tough, I've been killed by one before"... and if you see a 12ft tall Troll, you may think "oh crap, this thing is a mutant monster Troll.... I better just run away until I'm more experienced or have better weapons"
New Magic Types - I'd love to see these new magic types:
Conjuration > Organic Virus - a (touch/target) spell that eats away at the skin/body/blood of the enemy... very effective against organic creatures only.
Conjuration > Swarm - a (touch/target) spell that creates a swarm of locusts/bugs that attacks the enemy... very effective against humanoid and organic characters, not against undead.
Destruction > Void Destabilization- a (touch/target) spell that creates an energetic buzzing around the enemy and does major damage to ethereal enemies (Nether Lichs, Ghosts, etc...)... also does massive damage to conjured creatures.
Destruction > Gas Cloud - a (touch/target) spell that creates a cloud of very destructive poison gas over a period of time (maybe the effect damage increases each second until the enemy is in it)... very effective against certain types of organic creatures, especially if you can corner the enemy or paralyze them in it.
Destruction > Earth/Matter - a (touch/target) spell where you can shoot rocks, dirt or meteors from the sky to rain down. Another elemental category like Fire/Frost/Shock.
Destruction > Wind/Vortex - a (touch/target) spell where you can summon the winds to attack an enemy... either in a direction or in a vortex. Another elemental.
Destruction > Energy Tapping - a (touch/target) spell that causes matter to rip apart into raw energy and does a minimum of 20ft explosion damage... very bright and loud... Think miniaturized atomic explosions that have a chance to knock the enemy down, but also knock yourself down and do damage to you if too close... (only really useful in ranged situations)... this may be a spell category that is not available until very high level (>75 destruction)... It would be cool to have some magic types that you don't even know about until you progress to later in the game... maybe a quest that appears once your reach lv. 75 destruction, with a rouge mage scholar that is experimenting with a new type of energy magic.