Were you happy with the quality of Crysis 2 at launch?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:33 am

I myself was so disappointed that I never bought Crysis 2

It seems rather odd that this thread is about whether those who bought the game were satisfied with its condition on launch day yet you say that you don't own the game because you were disappointed. I don't really think that your claim of disappointment is very credible as you would have played the game and owned it to have such a reaction. By this logic there shouldn't even be an option in this poll for people that don't own the game. I know this is off-topic, I feel that it is a point that should be brought to your attention.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:12 pm

Please stop calling this game a console port. Yes it was designed for consoles at the same time but it was not made for consoles and ported to pc. So please stop spouting sh1t.

JustinBiebers, please fu ck off..
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:03 am

I myself was so disappointed that I never bought Crysis 2

It seems rather odd that this thread is about whether those who bought the game were satisfied with its condition on launch day yet you say that you don't own the game because you were disappointed. I don't really think that your claim of disappointment is very credible as you would have played the game and owned it to have such a reaction. By this logic there shouldn't even be an option in this poll for people that don't own the game. I know this is off-topic, I feel that it is a point that should be brought to your attention.

The point is that I/these people played the demo and didn't purchase the game to avoid wasting $60 on a disappointment. ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:10 am

I myself was so disappointed that I never bought Crysis 2

It seems rather odd that this thread is about whether those who bought the game were satisfied with its condition on launch day yet you say that you don't own the game because you were disappointed. I don't really think that your claim of disappointment is very credible as you would have played the game and owned it to have such a reaction. By this logic there shouldn't even be an option in this poll for people that don't own the game. I know this is off-topic, I feel that it is a point that should be brought to your attention.

The point is that I/these people played the demo and didn't purchase the game to avoid wasting $60 on a disappointment. ;)

The demo wasn't necessarily bad. Personally I thought CryTek never got multiplayer fully right.

The MP in the original Crysis was terrible by all standards, not even playable at launch. Wars got it half right. Crysis 2 got it half right. They need to combine the systems in Crysis 2 and Wars for the right MP experience.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:55 am

Talon, surely you must know that multiplayer doesn't justify the purchase of a game, nor does it represent the quality of the game. Crysis 2's multiplayer is an entirely different entity than the singleplayer, to avoid purchasing the game just because of the multiplayer demo is ignorant.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:43 am

no because i couldn't and still can't play the game because of bad performace/flickering :(
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:58 pm

Talon, surely you must know that multiplayer doesn't justify the purchase of a game, nor does it represent the quality of the game. Crysis 2's multiplayer is an entirely different entity than the singleplayer, to avoid purchasing the game just because of the multiplayer demo is ignorant.

Yeah I'm actually enjoying the multiplayer. It gives me a choice on what to play depending on my mood. If I'm in the mood for a long sitting with tactical gameplay I will play Bad Company 2. But if I'm in the mood for quick, fast paced FPS action I'll play Crysis 2.

And the singleplayer is quite nie as well, one of the better campaigns among recent games. In fact of all 2011 games so far, I liked Crysis 2's the most, I'd even incude most games of 2010 in that category.

Won't compare it to Crysis 1, but I don't regret my purchase.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:03 am

I haven't even played it since release due to the SLI flickering bug, so no, I'd say I'm not impressed with this release.

The patch notes on the second patch still have no indication this is going to be fixed. I hope they're making good interest on the 60$ I gave them to beta test their game.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:42 pm

this game is really bad. i don't understand why anyone says it's good on the PC. motion blur gives me a headache. Everything is so confined compared to the 1st game. Cryteck has become the bich of EA, which is the worst company that makes games by the way. So by selling your soul to EA, it forces your games to come out like ****, because they don't give you all the money you need to make a great game. I thank you for the engine, you did a great job, but When i look at this game, it really is quite horrific. It's repetitive. It's buggy. It's made for consoles. If you made a crysis 3, it would also be terrible. I am unsatisfied for this game because i payed 60 bucks for it and was unable to play MP for 5 weeks. That is just ridiculous! I bought it to play MP, only cuz i loved the MP from the 1st game.

If you are thinking about making crysis 3 for Pc, don't. you are doing us a favor. Why dont u make crysis 3 for the consoles so we dont have to deal with all this ****. Let the console **** who payed 400-500 bucks for a gaming system enjoy their **** games. It has come down to this. Crysis can be played on a 600 dollar gaming rig. That is just retarded. Nvidia made dx11 dual gpu and gtx 500 series for crysis, which has shipped with dx 9, what is this **** 2006? That is just **** ****. Lets see how long i played this game on steam... ok 5 hours played. That is unacceptable. This was supposed to be a Black ops killer right? nope. I play black ops more than this piece of ****. game. unacceptable. i have 118 hours played of blops mp, and if this game was any better i would stop playing it. instead i still play blops when i have crysis2 to play.

The Pc community is fed up. No ones likes Ea, we just have to buy their ****, and we alwasys get upset cuz they maker **** games. If i were you crysis. I would drop out of EA and go off making games with ubisoft who actually gives a ****, and takes time to make worth while games.

say what you will about this, say i rage, say what you like, i dont give a ****. this is just a major let down. do us a favor and make a new game. ust not crysis 3.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:38 pm

Yes crysis 2 is the best video game made. it has the best graphics and sound and production. no one even comes close. its multiplayer is far above any competition and the single player is jaw dropping, this is truly most amazing game ever.

Get out of my thread, troll.

Yeah really, JustinBiebers is the best and most amazing troll I have ever met. Just abosolutely top notch, brilliant!
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:56 am

I haven't even played it since release due to the SLI flickering bug, so no, I'd say I'm not impressed with this release.

The patch notes on the second patch still have no indication this is going to be fixed. I hope they're making good interest on the 60$ I gave them to beta test their game.
Why dont you disable one like i did? Even then I still get 60fps on a 460
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:00 am

Yes!- (don't give reasons why)
No!- (give reasons why)

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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:32 am

Why would I be satisfied with this shoddy title, it came out like a premie, they should have left it in the oven a few more months.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:57 am

Why would I purchase a game that has such a shoddy singleplayer plot/linear level design, a non-innovative and broken multiplayer experience, and consolitis?

I understand that the Singleplayer is different from a MP demo but I am not basing a $60 purchase solely on that amount of money for a cut down, non-linked story line, linear map design aside from the Central Station map, and the buggiest AI I have absolutely ever seen! Sorry Cevat, your claim for "greatest AI ever" is absolute straight up ****. It is quite honestly the worst AI I have ever seen.... Far Cry trumps it! For $60, Crysis 2 offers me nothing more than Crysis Warhead does - an expansion. In all honesty, even Warhead has a better SP experience for a great low price of $30, an innovative multiplayer with free DLC, and a flourishing competitive environment.

Can I say the same things I have said about Warhead? Nope. Nada. I will purchase it after it hits the $5 price point on Steam to ensure that Crytek gets none of my money for this complete failure of a game launch.

Yes!- (don't give reasons why)
No!- (give reasons why)


Usually when people aren't satisfied that means to give constructive criticism. If you are satisfied then what the hell do you need to comment about? By all means if you want to leave positive comments then do so, but companies usually like to receive constructive criticism to improve future products.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:18 am

I mean lets face the facts here, a month after launch when most of the haters have already said their due piece and left, we are still seeing a non-satisfactory rate of 66% on how Crysis 2 was handled.

That poll says more than I ever could.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:40 am

I vote no, no DX11 support, plenty of bugs which still remains unfixed up to this day, and multiplayer is just a joke. I wish the multiplayer game was longer, it usually lasts less than 10 minutes which is just.... boring, or somebody hits the kill limit. I just hope when Crytek fixes all these issues then I'll start playing again, other than that the game was a waste of time.
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John N
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:46 am

I vote no, no DX11 support, plenty of bugs which still remains unfixed up to this day, and multiplayer is just a joke. I wish the multiplayer game was longer, it usually lasts less than 10 minutes which is just.... boring, or somebody hits the kill limit. I just hope when Crytek fixes all these issues then I'll start playing again, other than that the game was a waste of time.
tbh i preffer 10 mins matches instead of playing an hour with some nubs in my team...
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Doniesha World
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:19 am

Voted No.

Unacceptable Launch issues (some of which still exist):
Day 1 gamesas account issues preventing people (and me) from logging in and playing (how does this even happen with a AAA title?).
Single player bugs and crashes (nano catalyst anyone?)
Multiple CD key bugs with official silly workarounds.
Rampant cheating with little to no consequences in multiplayer (gg rampant piracy).
Stat and Unlock rollbacks constantly (even today).
Bugged Unlocks (i'm still missing a mystery dog tag, after leveling up over 80 levels but i'm grateful i'm not one of the poor people missing weapon unlocks).
Multiplayer Games failing to Launch.
Orbital Strike Killstreak lagging servers.

Other issues that were not so bad (some not getting fixed until next patch):
Weapon balance in multiplayer.
Server Browser terribly inefficient.
No Vote Kick.
No server Queuing system.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:04 am

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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:05 am

I said no, I cant even play the game now that I have legally purchased it.... Cant play AT ALL
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:44 pm

Thank you all for the feedback, keep it up! :)
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:46 pm

where's the option for 'it was ok, not great'?
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:14 am

where's the option for 'it was ok, not great'?

That sounds like disappointment to me, unless you enjoy spending $60 on "ok" games. ;)
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