» Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:42 pm
this game is really bad. i don't understand why anyone says it's good on the PC. motion blur gives me a headache. Everything is so confined compared to the 1st game. Cryteck has become the bich of EA, which is the worst company that makes games by the way. So by selling your soul to EA, it forces your games to come out like ****, because they don't give you all the money you need to make a great game. I thank you for the engine, you did a great job, but When i look at this game, it really is quite horrific. It's repetitive. It's buggy. It's made for consoles. If you made a crysis 3, it would also be terrible. I am unsatisfied for this game because i payed 60 bucks for it and was unable to play MP for 5 weeks. That is just ridiculous! I bought it to play MP, only cuz i loved the MP from the 1st game.
If you are thinking about making crysis 3 for Pc, don't. you are doing us a favor. Why dont u make crysis 3 for the consoles so we dont have to deal with all this ****. Let the console **** who payed 400-500 bucks for a gaming system enjoy their **** games. It has come down to this. Crysis can be played on a 600 dollar gaming rig. That is just retarded. Nvidia made dx11 dual gpu and gtx 500 series for crysis, which has shipped with dx 9, what is this **** 2006? That is just **** ****. Lets see how long i played this game on steam... ok 5 hours played. That is unacceptable. This was supposed to be a Black ops killer right? nope. I play black ops more than this piece of ****. game. unacceptable. i have 118 hours played of blops mp, and if this game was any better i would stop playing it. instead i still play blops when i have crysis2 to play.
The Pc community is fed up. No ones likes Ea, we just have to buy their ****, and we alwasys get upset cuz they maker **** games. If i were you crysis. I would drop out of EA and go off making games with ubisoft who actually gives a ****, and takes time to make worth while games.
say what you will about this, say i rage, say what you like, i dont give a ****. this is just a major let down. do us a favor and make a new game. ust not crysis 3.