I personally loved it and wished there was more! I am on my third run now (1st-dark elf, 2nd- khajiit, and 3rd- Nord...)
I personally loved it and wished there was more! I am on my third run now (1st-dark elf, 2nd- khajiit, and 3rd- Nord...)
Satisfied when it's not crashing all the time... Which is always. xD hahaha
Very satisfied.
Been playing Skyrim since Nov 2011 and am still happily playing it. Without the DLC though, I would have wandered off by now, they left that a bit late, I was starting to look at what next to play.
The only thing I was unsatisfied with, was the lack of summons compared to the variety Oblivion and Morrowind had. I was able to remedy this with mods, but I feel for my fellow conjurers who play on consoles.
Also, the guild quest-lines and their pacing and rank advancement were just plain bad.
All-in-all, I'm mostly satisfied.
Very satisfied.
Ran up something like 1400 hours before taking a break. Brought DB on sale today so I'll return to Skyrim once I finish my current F:NV and TW2 playthroughs.
Im... 'satisfied' isnt the word id go with but ill use it. I really like the game, and play it all the time. But I also criticize a few things a lot, because ive played enough to know they are highly disruptive. The game is definitely fun. And Im sure the next one will be too. But I'm very dissapointed in how they've handled a large number of technical issues, that would have made it better if they were addressed.
have played non stop since it came out 11/11/11. More characters than I can remember as I usually start over once they get to powerful.
So very satisfied.
Ultimately it felt rushed. Just about every major questline I did felt really half-baked. I held off the thieves guild until just a couple of months ago since I rarely play stealth characters, and was very surprised over how fleshed out it felt compared to the others.
I knew it was too good to be true when the game made its original release date without any delays.
Satisfied enough to say it was worth every gold coin I paid.
Er, copper coin. Wrong reality.
Ummm hmmm. Honestly this is a tough question. I enjoy it but I'd say I'm unsatisfied. I'm not going to bash the game to high heavens because there are aspects I truly do enjoy. I play it a couple times a week.
My game is played on xbox with only the hearthfire DLC. Don't know if I'd feel differently with the other DLC's or not but if it takes DLC's to make the game then I'm still not sure I'd be "satisfied".
As with every other game I've ever played I was satisfied with some things, dissatisfied with other things. I was satisfied that they did away with classes, dissatisfied that they did away with Attributes. I was satisfied that they added dual-casting, dissatisfied that they took away Spellcrafting. I was satisfied that they finally added the option not to side with the freaking Empire for once, but dissatisfied that they tied so many quests (such as the civil war) to the main quest. I was satisfied that they added dual-wielding but dissatisfied that they removed underwater combat. The list could go on....
But if I had to pick one of the other, I would say "Satisfied." Skyrim, for all its faults, is my favorite game in the series.
Overall very satisfied on 360. Gone to PC and with the mods am even more satisfied due to the fixed bugs and extensive mod library available.
Satisfied. Why else would I have spent 600+ hours in total playing it?
It could be better in a lot of ways, and that makes me sad, but it is still enjoyable to play for far more hours than any non-open world game.
Quite satisfied. But certain things could have been better.
While there are lots of things I complain about or even dislike, I would lie if I said I wasn't satisfied with it, considering I've spent way of 1000 hours on it and after a year-and-a-half still play it at least a few times a week.