I've been searching the internets for a while now about bonuses/disadvantages you gain when you are in werewolf form.
It seems there's a lot of mixed information out there, often people claiming that something does/doesn't work without neither side providing any proof.
Here's what i've discovered to be true;
- Right before transforming all Weapons and armor(rings and amulets included) are unequiped [Except if you equip a dagger in your secondary hand, it will sometimes stay]
- Transforming whilst swiming in water will allow you to keep your weapons equiped.
- Upon transformation you gain +1900 carry weigth, +100 Health, Speed faster than a horse.
- Werewolves have a (slight) resistance to normal human weapon, but are highly vulnerable to Silver/Daedric weapons.
- Receiving a new divine blessing will cure Lycanthropy. [bug]
- Being a werewolf makes you immune to diseases, including vampirisme. [Becoming a werewolf will even cure it]
- Claw damage scales by level
And here is what i could use your help with confirming;
- One-handed skillLevel/Perks adding to claw damage
- Light armor skillLevel/Perks adding to damage resistance
- Protection spells like Stoneflesh adding to damage resistance
- Restoration 'Avoid Death' Perk Still full healing at 10%
- Alteration 'Mage Armor' 'Magic Resistance' 'Atronach' perks adding to damage resistance
- Khajit claw damage adding to Werewolf Claw damage if fist is 'equiped' before transformation
Suggestions and idea's are welcome but please do not assume to know based solely upon what you believe to be true.
Show proof and/or offer speculations.
I look forward to your reply