Werewolf: Brain Damage - Aftermath

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:30 pm

So I couldn't sleep last night and that's when I thought of an obvious setting I should have thought of earlier.
Would it be a good idea to make a thread with a poll with the sole purpose of getting to know your opinions? I'm having three of them in my head now.
Perhaps I'm overthinking the setting part, but if it matters to you I think I should ask some more people what they'd like.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:59 am

So I couldn't sleep last night and that's when I thought of an obvious setting I should have thought of earlier.
Would it be a good idea to make a thread with a poll with the sole purpose of getting to know your opinions? I'm having three of them in my head now.
Perhaps I'm overthinking the setting part, but if it matters to you I think I should ask some more people what they'd like.

The more threads we make, the spammier we look. So, it would be better if you just tell us the ideas in this thread.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:17 am

Alright. Thanks for confirming the thought that kept me from posting.

First one (as some already know) is Brussels, 2022. At the middle of a military assault with things not really being what they seem at first. Inspiration: post-apocalyptic fiction and some more mysterious stuff (as in the universes of Half-Life, F.E.A.R., Metro 2033 and others).

Second one is Viking Age Norway, most probably Hordaland (so one consequence I think of is character profiles will be a bit more simplified). I thought of that one last night. I could choose to let this take place earlier (so early we can't even speak of Viking Age, rather Vendel Age, let's say anytime from 700 to 850ish CE, think the original version of Beowulf) or a good while later (like 1000 CE, think Olav Tryggvason) with the differences of other possible locations, beliefs (like most obviously but not exclusively christianity in the latter case) and general stuff happening.

Your opinions are appreciated. I can elaborate if you think I'm too vague.

It may be of interest that this is the last bit I need to know so the sign-up shouldn't take too long from now.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:23 am

The Viking setting sounds interesting.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:14 pm

Ditto on the Viking-era. I think I've had a little too much post-apocalyptic exposure with games of late.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:31 am

yeah, save the post apocalypse for a later game (im sure if your first goes well people will have much more faith in you)
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Emily Rose
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:31 am

I'd prefer the viking game, older settings typically work better for first time hosts because they are not as complex as modern/future games.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:13 pm

yeah my only beef with the older settings is because i am not good at making up characters, but at least i can make my character a little bit more far fetched then in a modern setting.

for one, is it realistic viking era (no mythical creatures)

or a fantasy one (with mythical creatures, and magic)
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Kari Depp
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:57 am

Ditto on the Viking-era. I think I've had a little too much post-apocalyptic exposure with games of late.

I thought the opposite was true as I was reluctant to explore this idea any further because my impression is people are going loco because of Skyrim and its awful similarity to vikings among others.

I'd prefer the viking game, older settings typically work better for first time hosts because they are not as complex as modern/future games.

If I've got anything to gripe about older settings, then it'll be the lack of complexity since the astounding majority of Iron Age society (793-1066 CE is technically late Iron Age in Scandinavia) consisted of farmers who'd rarely leave their farms.

yeah my only beef with the older settings is because i am not good at making up characters, but at least i can make my character a little bit more far fetched then in a modern setting.

for one, is it realistic viking era (no mythical creatures)

or a fantasy one (with mythical creatures, and magic)

Oops, missed that question. Since I'll have to smuggle some shapeshifting demons into the game, it won't be exactly plausible as the game develops. My intent though is to keep the original setting as historical as possible. This means I'll have to rewrite the character profile template and limit the options.

Oh my, making a decision based on only four people's opinions. :blink: I hope there'll be more to sign up.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:40 am

I am sure more people will post once you post a sign up or even write up
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:43 am

I'll join when the signup is posted.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:22 am

I already have may character mostly planned out

A Soldier who was forced to return home after his leg was injured, and he was given a debilitating limp.

He feels that he is a weakling and useless, and that he is a shame to his home and country.

He spends his time drowning his sorrows at the local pub, he sees an opportunity to stop the wolves (or whatever they are) and reclaim some of his pride. (unless he is a wolf, which in that case IDK)

I will change it to adapt to the setting as we learn more about it.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:18 am

I already have may character mostly planned out

A Soldier who was forced to return home after his leg was injured, and he was given a debilitating limp.

He feels that he is a weakling and useless, and that he is a shame to his home and country.

He spends his time drowning his sorrows at the local pub, he sees an opportunity to stop the wolves (or whatever they are) and reclaim some of his pride. (unless he is a wolf, which in that case IDK)

I will change it to adapt to the setting as we learn more about it.

I don't want to ruin the party mood, but I advise you to think why your character is outlawed. I'll provide a number of cases to get you on the way once I've compiled them.
That's the only excuse I came up with so far how to gather a bunch of random Scandinavian Iron Age/Vendel Age people. This violates more than just clan structures and the roles and relations within communities. At least a little justice has to be done to the epoch (and my archaeology at uni lol).
Now regarding your ideas. Most injuries that would make a modern man just limp after medical care, guaranteed almost always a ticket to Valhall or Folkvang. Let's presume he's the one who got away, one way or another.
If he's lamenting and crying each day, that's a sure way to be frowned down at. Being a walking ale barrel, even more so. Being drunk used to be a no no in the North (and it still is, depending on your village in the South). On the other hand the everyday ale was close to small beer. Now I'm sure there were alehouses later on, but I'll have to go and look for earlier examples. Interesting. So keep this in mind and you've already got some things here that get you on the way to indignity.

Thanks for the updates and new signs of interest.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:49 pm

I'm in your thread, posting your rules.
Feel free to post your opinions, please, so we can make this official and let the game begin.
If a Swedish person or someone else can tell me a historically relevant name for Sk?ne other than Sk?r?y, Skáney, Skadinauio, or Skadin/Skadan, or which of these one would prefer, I'd be delighted. For lack of better, I'm currently using the Dano-Norwegian name, although I'm thinking of using Skáney in the end.

Introduction to the game

Forumites who find themselves stumbling in here, but don't comprehend what this is about: please do read on.
Mafia and Werewolves are originally party card games (Mafia was invented as a psychological game at the University of Moscow in 1985), preferably played by a number of players as big as possible. In the most basic version, there is a group of innocents and a group of werewolves or mafiosi. Actually these games are totally equal with the sole difference the roles and other game elements may have different names. However, depending on the preferences of the host and the number of players, there may be a number of supplemental roles with special abilities and/or rules introduced that are intended to spice up the game. It's up to the real innocents to find out who amongst them are the intruders, out to kill the innocent ones. This game has a day and night cycle. Once a day the whole group votes for someone to be executed in the hope of discovering the victim is a wolf or mafioso. Each night the werewolves or mafiosi agree on an innocent person to kill. The morning after the group finds out who died that night.
In the discussion board version, you can investigate evidence to find out the identity of the villains. This medium also allows to create more elaborate settings. You will role-play a character you come up with yourself. Below in the rules section you can find a template.


During the reign of Ivar Vidfamne av Skaane and Hr?rek av Lejre, in the time of the year Jol (Yule) is drawing near, a local land owner of the region of Hordaland in Norvegr has collected a seemingly random bunch of niddingar (outlawed moral offenders) to inhabit an old heim (extended farmstead) of his behind the seven mountains. In exchange for keeping the farm up and running, they'll get a chance to reintegrate into society, to start with a society of their own. Why this man would give these individuals a second chance is as yet unknown, since they are considered legally dead by anyone else. Certain is they didn't have much of a choice, preferring this to an existence as wolves (vargar) in the barren wastes of Nordic winter.



When common sense is applied, many of the rules described below sound only reasonable. Yet, rules are a necessary evil wherever and whenever people choose to congregate and want to reach a goal with a sense of civility.

1. Play to win, even if the method I assigned you sounds somewhat unconventional at first. Whoever reaches his/her goal first, wins.

2. My aim is to keep the assigned roles a mystery. Don't openly mention your role, although the consequences will come to the fore in everyone's role-playing. These hints should prove enough. Try to look at it as a real life situation. You will be playing a role in a theoretically realistic situation after all. No one is ever going to say "Hey, I am an assassin!" (unless you have played too much Assassin's Creed), "I am the witchdoctor!" or "The matchmaker, that's me!"
Roles are assigned at random.
Of course everyone always can claim and attempt to prove they're "innocent" and have no part in this evil the group is presented with.

3. Play fair and keep up the fun for everyone. I can think of an endless array of hilarious ways in which I can god kill cheaters, although harm's been done already.

4. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all communication is kept within the threads, so no sneaky personal messaging off the board.

5. For the hypothetical instance there seems to be a balance issue (or just to keep the game fresh), I reserve the right to change rules or roles. Be assured, there will be no attempt to create an extra layer of anarchy.

6. Days last approximately 24 hrs. After about 21 hrs I'll post a statement the day is over and an execution (by vote of a majority within the group, see below rule 8) shall be performed.
The only exception shall be (real life) Mondays and Fridays. On these days there shall be no new thread, so this means the days started on Thursdays last till the next Saturdays. Likewise, you'll have time to debate and post from Sundays till the next Tuesdays. Questions still will be answered throughout the 48 hrs when possible though. As a host I apologize for my private schedule, which contains some more important matter that keeps me from updating more often.

7. I expect every character to contribute at least once every two game days. Anyone failing to make a contribution every 48 hrs (or possibly 72 hrs, see above rule 6) gets god killed. Anyone being inactive/lurking for three days in total suffers the same fate.

8. Every day the surviving group may want to vote for someone to be executed. An absolute majority of votes is needed to execute.
Unless stated otherwise trying to eliminate the opposing force (classically known as mafiosi or werewolves, for ease indicated as OpFor) is the main objective, while the OpFor may nominate someone to be lynched every night. However, expect some strange things to happen every now and then. Sometimes people will be converted to the other side rather then killed or due to various reasons a killing may fail. The end of the game is reached when an OpFor group outnumbers the innocents.

9. When you're dead: stay dead. Necroposting may be the worst thing one can do. Feel free to PM me if you want to continue sleuthing. I'll be more than happy to keep you posted.

10. There is a pattern to follow when posting. All "out of character" communication (including votes for execution, questions to the host about evidence and such) should look like this [bolded and in red]:

OOC: (question/remark/vote)

If it's a major remark I'll prefer you to direct it to me in a PM. In the case of votes it's easier to keep count this way.
Everything your character says must be typed as usual. Just put the name of your character on top of your contribution, bolded and underlined as in:


(role-playing and debating)

However don't overdo the role-playing and make sure your contributions are mostly useful to the investigations (although it may be stated otherwise to each individual).
Any non-verbal actions your character performs (like sitting down, standing up, walking back and forth, face palming...) must be put in italics as in:


Let's agree the host's colour to denote important info will be green.

11. Don't edit your posts (unless it's a silly typo or something similar). If you change your mind or want to revise your reflections in a previous post, just make a new post. If you need to edit a post, add at the bottom of the post exactly what you have corrected.

12. Evidence may or may not be clearly directed toward the OpFor. You can be set on a wrong trail, although I don't intend to do so on purpose. When answering your questions, sometimes it's more important to note what I don't say rather than what I put in my reply. If I don't reply to a question, it might indicate you're on to something and answering would give too much away.

13. Don't ever quote evidence you couldn't have gathered from debating. Unless you'd foster the ambition to be instantly god killed, so just don't. You're allowed to paraphrase others' statements.

14. A very important part of signing up is sending in a character profile to me. You'll only be definitely signed up after you've done so. You'll get to see the other ones' profiles during the game. I'll compile them. It should contain this info and look like the template in the character creation section below.

Remember your character profile may be used against you as evidence can be recognized as typifying for your character. Therefore it's important you provide the required quantity of traits and so forth.

Something that's of the uttermost importance to me as a host, is the fact the profile you create is the person you are going to be for the duration of this game. He/she is your voice and should effect everything you do or say. Don't look at it as a dry, static set of descriptions. Try to breathe the same air as he/she does. This is the board of a company that creates role-playing games, so give that aspect your best shot.

When I manage to write satisfying write-ups, I hope you will feel encouraged to do your best at role-playing and sleuthing. This in turn may keep me intrigued by your characters and incite me even more to do the best job I can as a host (not that I'm anyhow planning to do a sloppy job though). This is a fruitful way of interaction.

15. All further information not shared above will be provided in unique PMs at the beginning of the game.
Feel free to ask any questions by PM (or in the sign-up thread while it's active) if anything still isn't clear though.

Character creation

Name: pick a Norse name http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/ONNames.shtml, http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/sca-anci.php, http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/norse/sg-viking.html, or feel free to ask me for help, patronym and/or byname optional
Age: preferably between 13-45 since people didn't age well
Gender: M/F
Build: slim, muscular, average, athletic, big-boned... Certain flaws or effects of previous illnesses or other afflictions?
Height: if you're used to the imperial system, please include the metric equivalent. Here's a http://www.tech-faq.com/convert-inches-to-centimeters.html. I http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles/daily_living/text/health_and_medicine.htm: "The average height of men in Norway in the Viking era, based on skeletal measurements, was 176cm (5ft 9in), with a range from 170-181cm (5ft 7in to 5ft 11in), which was taller than other Europeans during this time. The average height of women was 160cm (5ft 3in), with a range from 149-164cm (4ft 11in to 5ft 5in)."
Appearance: clothes, hair length (must be at least shoulder length [even obligatory by law for women], unless he's a slave or has encountered serious issues) and colour (bleaching was fashionable), eye colour, beard (preferably at least a goatee, unless it fits the character to be mocked because he can't grow one), tattoos... I'm in love with this epoch so I will correct characters wielding two handed claymores and horned helmets or anything other too Conan
Occupation: farmer is the best option, others are (only part time or in summer) blacksmith, trader, woodworker, fisherman...
Personality: preferably 3-5 positive and as many negative traits
Beliefs: does your character honour the ?ser, rather the Vaner or is there a different relationship? How does he/she look at the world, life, him-/herself?
Life goal: where does your character want to be within the next years?
History: the life of your character before he/she ended up in this place, will be rather short because of the setting. Add anything else that doesn't fit elsewhere above.
Offence: what is yours? (list below)

Reliable sources for character creation:


[sarcasm]Congratulations![/sarcasm] You are nidding because of:

-ergi: effeminacy, unmanliness, cowardice, refusing holmgang (duel), refusing blodhemn (blood vengeance) in certain instances, refusing other types of retribution to restore one's and one's family's honour, practing seid (magic, reserved for female shamans called volver, morally prohibited for men), sometimes linked to physical disability, other signs of weakness, (especially when being the passive part of) same six activities...
-sixual perversion, moral degeneration
-murder (when killing in secret f.ex. by poison, while other ways of killing can be legitimate)
-theft (may involve seid, done at night)
-(other) nightly illicit operations (f.ex. nightly arson)
-dishonouring the gods
-dishonouring the family /spouse's family
-defilement of graves
-breaking oaths, treason
-breaking peace during Thing, festivities, on holy grounds (where bearing arms is prohibited)
-being a berserker: especially when berserking tactics are used against others to acquire women and property

-for women: manly acts/behaviour, dressing up as a man, carrying weapons, sixual debauchery/lecherousness, abuse of seid against her kin, dishonouring the family/husband's family


FAQ or in other words TLDR for some

Q. What do I need [to do] to play?

A. Make up a character, once the game begins reserve five to ten minutes a day to read, debate, sleuth and/or vote and you're good!

Q. Damn it! I'd like to participate, but I have no idea how to make up a character! Now what?

A. Ask me for help and with a few directions you'll have one that fits in nicely.

Q. Win conditions?

A. OpFor outnumber innocents as in 1<0, 2<1 and so forth.
Innocents successfully discover and lynch all OpFor.
Other goals based on personal role description.

Q. Double executions?

A. Since an absolute majority of votes is needed, double executions will be impossible. As in 11/20 or 6/10 votes to lynch doesn't leave room for another one.

Q. Aren't you way too strict on accuracy?

A. You're serious about the game, so am I. You've let me understand well enough you wouldn't like it if I took this too lightly. Well, there you have it.

Q. How do you mean, beliefs?

A. Without getting philosophical: if you'd read the character creation section well enough you'd have known it's about disposition toward the ?ser and/or Vaner among other things. What does your character think life is about? How does he/she feel about the world around him/her? There are libraries full of books on these things so I'm sure that question is not impossible to answer.

Q. I don't see possessions in the character creation, what about them? They must be in.

A. That was a last minute removal for the reason you'll start as outcasts who have barely survived during the last couple of months/weeks in the woods without any access to agriculture or trade. Your possessions have been declared forfeit since you're legally dead and hence you lost everything. I'm sure you'd still have left a wagon full of trinkets by then. /sarcasm That it's not in character creation doesn't mean there won't be any items in the game. You'll arrive at a wealthy farm for that matter, so you can expect there will be some objects in there.

Q. Is this game about Vikings?

A. The Swedish king Ivar died circa 700 CE at the latest or that's what a number of researchers agree on. The Viking Age officially started 793 CE with the raid of Lindisfarne. So the answer is no. [ELABORATION] However, this is a period wherein things are going well for especially Sweden (Vendel Age) and in fact archaeological data from this era seems to be richer than the age where many left and hoped for the best (Viking Age). By the way, these days a good bunch of people in the academic milieu would agree that Viking Age is just a very ugly word to describe the whole of the Scandinavian Late Iron Age. So I won't use it myself. Besides, in this game we're rather in what one'd call the Early to Middle - or even simply Germanic Iron Age to be more accurate. Technically speaking, most of Northern Europe had only a very short Medieval Age - some regions even didn't live through one.

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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:13 am

I'm tired right now (when am I not? :(), but two things that stuck out were that you need to set win conditions, and double executions.

Also, you may want to refine your character creation a bit. It's entirely up to you (you seem pretty keen on keeping the characters historically accurate, although I could argue that's not very important in the game) and I respect that you seem to have put forth a lot of effort into researching, but a couple of sections aren't really necessary. Appearance, build and height can probably all just go under a general description, and I have no idea what your asking in the "Beliefs" part. Also, I don't know if you've decided to go a different direction or something, but you might want to consider adding a "Possessions" section - entirely personality based evidence can make a game difficult, as Donkey found last game.

Anyway, overall I think it's good - just needs some refinement. Setting is nice by the way, I'm in the mood for some Vikings.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:30 pm

I like everything, except the character creation, it seems like there is not a lot of diversity, and there are a lot of restraints.

But i understand that this is all for the reason of keeping things accurate, so its fine.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:38 am

FAQ-TLDR section added. :tongue:
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:16 am

You might want to copy paste your ruleset and put it in a new topic.

it would get more publicity.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:03 am

You might want to copy paste your ruleset and put it in a new topic.

it would get more publicity.

ROFL @ new avatar.

I would, but I fear some force of nature (like a bear, monkey or bunny) would come in and lock it.
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marie breen
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:17 pm

ROFL @ new avatar.

I would, but I fear some force of nature (like a bear, monkey or bunny) would come in and lock it.

You should be fine.

More people will become intrested if you do.

Also i switched back, i dont like change
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:17 am

Don't make a new thread, Spectre is wrong.

Also- on the subject of doubles:

They add to the game. You should allow them. The consensus for doubles is that more people in total need to have voted, but less votes are needed per person. E.g. 20 people; 5 vote for one person, 5 for another, and 3 vote random other people would be a double.

And while we are indeed very strict on accuracy it isn't towards setting but toward the game. This is just a reminder.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:42 pm

And while we are indeed very strict on accuracy it isn't towards setting but toward the game. This is just a reminder.

But I am. Also just a reminder. :tongue:

They add to the game. You should allow them. The consensus for doubles is that more people in total need to have voted, but less votes are needed per person. E.g. 20 people; 5 vote for one person, 5 for another, and 3 vote random other people would be a double.

That's something I didn't like that much though. Not in real life games nor other versions. I want to increase the number of votes needed. This caused some good havoc "irl" because people were trying much harder to convince one another. In practice, the other option means four or five people out of twenty-five can lynch an individual. That sounds ludicrous to me. I don't have much of a problem with double executions as long as a decent number of players are represented in voting. Perhaps you (or someone else) can suggest another voting system that allows for an increased number of needed votes? Like a 40% rule or so.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:51 am

I say that it should be the majority vote, but 50% of players must have voted .

of course, i have no experience, so someone else could give better advice
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:42 pm

Oh, NICE. The enthusiasm is killing me. From four people who care down to two. I have a feeling the sign-up thread will turn into a disaster. I've nicked some ideas from Ratwar and added my own twist. What about this?

If under 60% of players vote, no execution will take place. If there is a tie with total of tied votes over 60%, both players will be executed, if there is a tie under 60%, nobody will die. Same goes for a single execution: over 60% is needed.
E.g. At least 12 out of 20 players must have voted, If 2 players get each 4 votes or more, they both must die. If a single player gets 8 votes, that one will die. [Now I'm thinking: what about triple executions? LOL]

I know those are high numbers, but 15% sounds a bit meagre to me. Also, 50% doesn't do it for me. That would mean that in the example 6 voting players out of 20 could be enough. Zoinks, this is hard to balance. I could set multiple conditions that would make this ridiculously complicated though. Like in the example above, suppose those 8 votes could be enough even if there was a different (higher) number of voters, but it would represent 40% of all players (now here's that 40% rule I mentioned earlier!). That would make sense, since if more people voted, it would get increasingly harder to convince one another who to vote for and indeed there would be a bigger chance a larger number of people got a lynch vote.

Oh please, help meeeeeeee!
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:55 am

I am fine with the rules.

And i am sure that when you post the sign up, more peoples attention will be caught. I bet most people dont even know your planning it.
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