Werewolf: Brain Damage - Aftermath

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:51 pm

Well as a wolf I guess I saw a lot of evidence that other people didn't. I thought for sure I would die right after Capitol did since I was the only one left with weapons experience, but thankfully the innocents forgot about it for a while. :) However from what I saw the first few kills were the innocents fault for mainly killing off people based off of voting records and not actually evidence. Making my job pretty easy.
Anywho the points could do a bit of tweaking, as in an ability to make the wolves look innocent. To stop the I'm going to investigate x, y and z. today going on in the threads.
As the Arch I was a failure at the end, wasting points and skipping a lot of posts, where I could've found better targets to frame. Also giving the innocents a double I thought for sure fighters or evol would mess up.
This is short (long for me) because I broke my internetzors and I'm writing it 2 AM for some reason.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:28 pm

I was mostly an outside observer in this game, but I still followed it closely, and so I'll still give feedback. Overall, I liked the point system - it was underused unfortunately, and I do think that the investigation option was overpowered, but you fixed that as soon as it became apparent, which I thought was good. I would be interested in seeing the point system return, although hopefully a bit more refined and encouraged.

Setting was good. Changing things up every night kept things fresh and interesting, and I loved all the references thrown in.

The evidence was good from my opinion - but after reading some comments, I did realize there was a lack of physical evidence, which I hadn't thought of as I wasn't trying to figure things out most of the game. Still, I thought your evidence was all pretty solid, and your personality based evidence was all top notch. Your writing was great as always. Most of the stuff I had to say has been said by now, so I'll probably just leave it at that. I thought that it was a pretty good job all round, D.C. Cheers for the entertainment :)

In regards to the players, I thought that there was some good performances from some newer players. mrcrazy, who's name I've been reading as mccrazy monkey this whole time, had a good first game as Arch, and a solid performance from TeeHee at the end, which could have ended up very close for her. I also thought there some innocent stand outs, Max and spork being some of them, and I think a few others I might have forgotten at the moment.

In regards to the next game: Despite my less than stellar track record (if you could even call it that :P) when it comes to it, I might be interested in finally hosting. I'm a bit worried about whether I'll be able to come up with good evidence or not, but I suppose I won't know until I try. However, if anyone else is interested, I'm perfectly willing to wait.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:07 am

Apologies for largely being useless this game. I did try and give the innocents a push before I was converted but my investigations were awry. I was fairly annoyed at being converted for what seems like the 50 billionth time and didn't put as much effort into being a wolf as usual but I had still. Cheers for hosting DC, I enjoyed the game and I enjoyed the point system a lot - I think it has potential.

As for hosting, I'd be up for hosting in lateish March but couldn't do it before then, I'll try and commit myself more to the next game if we have a willing host.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:46 am

I thought it was a good game. There was a good amount of ambiguity in the beginning but then I didn't really follow evidence after I died. Though I did still read it and thought it was well written.

I could host sometime soon in theory. I'm not sure I want to right now yet though.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:26 am


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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:25 pm

Thanks everyone. Apologies for not doing feedback/evidence lasts yesterday, but I was feeling pretty sick and didn't feel like trying to be coherent. :P I'll do the feedback now, and evidence list later in the afternoon.

My own thoughts on the game have been largely encompassed by everybody else's, but here goes anyway. I really enjoyed writing for a wildly-changing setting, and it's something I think I'll probably repeat if I host again in the very-distant future. I think I probably could have made more use out of it with some more planning and thought put into it (I usually decided the settings in the 5 minutes after I finished the write-up), and if I had considered locations based on evidence potential. I was really happy with the roles PMs (with the exception of the Judge PMs I messed up), and they didn't take too long - about 5 minutes apiece once I'd done the main template. All in all I think that part of the game went pretty well.

My organisation was probably acceptable, but could have been better - as I've said before the reason days ended and started at different times was due to some poor time management every now and again, and between school, sleep, work and socializing I wasn't online to answer questions as often as I probably should have been for a smoother game. At least I remember to send out all conversion PMs this game. :P

I struggled a little with evidence this game, although that had nothing to do with the setting for the game - not including a "possessions" and "build" section really narrowed down my options, and didn't leave much concrete evidence for players to go on - it's not something I'd do again, or recommend to other hosts. I also had a problem with the rather polarized player-base of this game, with several of the best players I've ever played with as well as a whole bunch of first time or new players. Some days the vets would be inactive, and the evidence wouldn't be investigated and the game would stagnate for a day; and other days the vetsu (particularly Max) cruised in and solved the easy evidence (left because the innocents were getting nowhere at first). Despite that I don't think the evidence was horrible - it did become significantly simpler towards the end of the game, but I think that was necessitated given how it was progressing.

Working with the point system was a little extra work, but it wasn't too bad and it was interesting to see how it all played out. Unfortunately nobody made use of it to near the depth that I'd hoped for, so I didn't really get to trial it in full, but I hope that other hosts will try out the system and that it can be refined and improved as players get to try it out properly.

Overall I enjoyed hosting, and thought it was a decent game - whether or not I consider it a successful game will depend on whether anybody hosts now.

In regards to the next game: Despite my less than stellar track record (if you could even call it that ) when it comes to it, I might be interested in finally hosting. I'm a bit worried about whether I'll be able to come up with good evidence or not, but I suppose I won't know until I try. However, if anyone else is interested, I'm perfectly willing to wait.

One good thing about hosting is that as soon as a competent player dies (usually night one) you can just ask them for advice. Hell, I did it with you. :P
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:01 am

Evidence List

Day One
-Gray wolf charges recklessly and violently at the group, and tries to break through a turtle's back - Calrs Jr is stupid, violent and reckless.
-Theodore panicked when presented with the experiment, despite being calm under pressure - Theodore is guilty, and having second thoughts.
-Other gray wolf is unwilling to hurt people, and acts impulsively/unpredictably - Theodore is guilty.
-Arch wolf does not engage in the fight - Charles believes that all that matters is who is alive at the end of the day and is the wolf [weak].

Day Two
-Operation carried out gangland-style (lights cut, powerful weapons used but with non-professional tactics) - Charles is the arch.
-Wolf runs in after a flashbang grenade is thrown - Carls Jr is stupid and incredibly aggressive.
-Avery is completely overkilled, despite being a small child - Charles is ruthless, aggressive and extremely violent.
-The floor is riddled with bullets - Charles has poor aim with a pistol.
-Theodore vomits when seeing the corpses, despite his usual calmness under pressure - he's a wolf.
Somebody had attempted to break open (instead of cut) the switchboard - Theodore and Carls Jr are both "slow".

Day Three
-Merciless, relentless and primal eyes represent Charles's character.
-Ogre has collar affixed around it's neck, showing how it has been "tamed" by the arch - Carls Jr is stupid and easily influenced, while Charles and merciless and cruel to even his friends (spiked collar).
-Clumsy, stupid and violent ogre is symbolic of Carls jr - "the bruiser".
-Wispy ghost apparition releases Kev immediately - does not want to harm him. This angers the arch, Charles, who does it himself.
-Charles takes bullets and keeps going - inhuman toughness of the arch.
-Charles is totally merciless - he's a wolf.
-Blood on Arch's hands show that it has killed - Charles killed the previous day's victim.
-Chunks have been torn from the vines by an ogre-like creature - Carls Jr will eat anything.
-Interlocking vines symbolize Theodore's beliefs [weak] - he's a wolf.

Day Four
-Black-robed man impervious to being punched in the face - Charles "can take some punches", and is very tough.
-Thoedore takes the knife and hesitates - uncertain/unpredictable personality.
-Theodore gives the knife to Carls Jr - does not wish to employ violence.
-Carls Jr charges at the entire group - stupid and reckless.
-Carls Jr "lurches unsteadily" - he's the wolf, and drunk.
-The man is tortured - Charles is cruel.
-Convert fights bravely - Brent is the convert.

Day Five
-Charles is domineering, heartless and aggressive in his thoughts directed at fellow wolves.
-A bunch of people are proven innocent by thoughts unrelated to violence.
-Theodore regrets having to murder, saying out loud that he "feels connected".
-A wolf actually forgets the plan - Carls is stupid, and a wolf.
-Convert is excitable and determined to prove himself - Brent is the convert.
-Raymond remarks that the wolf is so strong - Brent is strong.

Day Six
-Carls Jr goes mad, and implies that they have all betrayed him - all three wolves voted for him the previous day.
-Black octopus is relentless, violent and tough - Charles is the arch.
-Charles the octopus literally takes many punches.
-Charles ignores pain - tough, high pain tolerance.
-Charles "throws up" a sign, a common gang practice.
-Theodore acts uncertainly and unpredictably, and doesn't hurt anybody.
-Brent is the impatiently circling dolphin.

Day Seven
-"Father in heaven" literally refers to Charles father, whom he murdered instead of loving and serving him.
-No noise was made, despite most people not speaking - TeeHee is a sound sleeper (and the convert).

Day Eight
-Daisy feels 'within her element', luring and murdering men - she's a murderer. [weak].
-Nobody emerges from the room, it has only one door, and Vincent was found dying - he was poisoned, Daisy knows poisons.
-No other obvious signs of death - he was poisoned.
-Gasped and coughed - was poisoned.
-Champaign was in the room- was poisoned.

Day Nine
-The wolf was unable or unwilling to kill Luke, and he was only gasped twice - Daisy is weak, and bitter.
-His pretty face is ruined - Daisy is bitter.
-The tiny gash on his shoulder causes him much more agony than his face being "ripped open" - it has been poisoned.
-He is able to outrun the huge wolf - Daisy is old and frail.
-He vomited - was poisoned.
-Chose to kill himself, despite not being in immediate danger - poisoned.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:33 am

So it would appear we've got the interest from users to start another game fairly soon... Any host willing to step up to the plate?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:00 am

If I were the least bit good at this game I would try hosting. :D I think Ill play a couple more times first though
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:21 am

A bump for anybody willing to host.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:34 am

Perhaps if I had time mondays/wednesdays, but having classes from 10 am to 10 pm really makes it impossible.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:38 pm

Perhaps if I had time mondays/wednesdays, but having classes from 10 am to 10 pm really makes it impossible.

I know what you mean, genetics plus calculus in the same semester equals no free time :(.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:12 am

A bump for anybody willing to host.

I don't know the game well enough to host a round. I'd like to play a bit first. Or I'll need some advice and assistance from experienced players to get me started. Besides, I won't almost certainly be able to produce such epic write-ups each day as you did. Nor am I certain I'll be able to post at a consequent time each day. I'm always out on Thursdays. If I'm ever daring enough to host, I'll likely change the rules so they rather reflect the rules of a card game version I once played. I guess that won't pose much of a problem. If no one else is willing and since I'm dying to see a new round soon, let me think about it and perhaps I can come up with some suffisingly interesting settings. Just say if that even sounds like half a good idea. My hopes are a truely capable person will come and claim the responsability before I do though. If I start to see a good amount of positive feedback in here and get the bit of assistance I need, I'll start brainstorming right away and there'll be a sign-up thread soon enough (I hope in a week's time or so).
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sally R
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:55 pm


good luck
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:05 pm

Okay, that's one, but I need more approvals. I'm thinking of prolonging a day to 48 hrs if I'm unable to post on Thursdays (or I think sometimes even Mondays) and since I've got a varied schedule I won't be able to make each day last exactly 24 hrs or in the best case 23 to 25 hrs. I've warned you I'll want to host for the lack of better since I'm very new to this game being based on a forum (not so new in real life though). Hence I think I'll better play (and undergo the possible issues of) a round before hosting myself.
I'm also thinking of introducing nights, so it may be a good idea to have a 48 hr day as a standard. After a real life day I may mention night falls or so. Feel free to share your own thoughts about my ideas. Chances are I'll actually listen and take note. :biggrin:

Perhaps I should start counting people who state they're willing to participate soon (or perhaps even cooperate before) as an unofficial sign-up. SpEcTrE., I take it you're a first one? In total, I count above about nine-ish people who once said they'd like another round, but I don't know what their intentions are now. Anyway, I may want to continue the use of characters as applied in the previous round, so start thinking of your alter egos. After signing up, send them to me only. I'm doubting whether to have something like Donkey, or have a fixed setting like medieval, viking, LotR, Conan, TES or FO of course, perhaps Star Wars, world war, classic mafia... Also, I'll want you to declare some possessions. I think Donkey asked you to have four +/- traits, so perhaps having four possessions each sounds like a logical idea.

The sooner I have a green light from a number of committed people, the sooner I can determine what sort of rules and settings I'd esteem appropriate (hopes are to have a good concept next week!). I hope we'll have 25+ players this time, that creates good situations to have some wicked game mechanics.

By the way, would this discussion warrant a new thread? Perhaps a lot of potentially interested people don't realize I'm planning a new round in here.

Edit: I've decided characters will be in the near future in a world in crisis, so modern day technology (preferrably stuff you'd be able to have with you in a crisis, I mean not a 100" plasma screen or so) for the needed possessions is applied and there's no limit on their origins, I'd just like them to be older than 15.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:42 am

I approve as well, i need to play more werewolf NOW
Also i asked spectre. and he said that it does warrant another thread.
(were out of forum friends, also i am in the same room as him)
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:23 pm

I'm in for the new game.
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JD bernal
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:28 pm

I'm up for another game.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:56 am

Umm, how many games have you played? No offence, but you should probably get a few under your belt before hosting.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:05 am

Wait, when you say the world is in crisis, what do you mean, war, crime, alien invasion, What?
is it in an urban setting ?
How severe is the crisis?
(i would like to see a dystopian city, sort of like the place from blade runner)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:53 am

So the line-up so far consists of:
1. ryace
2. SpEcTrE.
3. KPnuts
4. Spork The Slightly Insane
Needless to say we can use some 20-25ish more. :) I appreciate your interest.

Umm, how many games have you played? No offence, but you should probably get a few under your belt before hosting.

Can't you deduce that from my post? Feel free to host if you think you can do a better job at it. Someone's got to do it. I prefer playing indeed but everyone is pointing the finger at each other. I'm rather a glorious fool who tries to offer the pleasure of a new round and encourages others to stay active than another one of those who desire to see a new round but don't act. It's up to you whether you want to give me a chance at it or not. Clearly I'd like you to join and I intend to do the best I can at the moment. Feel free to educate me if you see I'm going to commit major mistakes. One of the things I'll definitely need to work on is to write engrossing stories in English, however I hope to make that up by offering satisfying game mechanics.

Wait, when you say the world is in crisis, what do you mean, war, crime, alien invasion, What?
is it in an urban setting ?
How severe is the crisis?
(i would like to see a dystopian city, sort of like the place from blade runner)

It is my intention to keep that quiet until the first real thread. I want less openness and more ad hoc info to be processed.
Our world as we know it would be still recognizable but civilization goes downward quickly.
My current concept involves an urban setting in Europe to start with and it will feature a mixture of both being trapped in a fixed environment and change. Probably fighting the environment and reaching stability will be a goal of its own the group can achieve if they survive that long. However, I'm still overthinking how I can balance this so the final destination will be realistically reachable, if only for the chosen few.

By the way, may I ask you werewolf/mafia veterans to invite other members of whom you think they'd be interested.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:00 am

My recommendation, Krigaren, would be to wait for another host to come along so that you may first enjoy playing a game. I think you'd get more from that experience than from hosting, simply because it will be a softer reception. From the content of your posts you certainly seem to have the mental fortitude for hosting, but I still think that observing a game is a far cry from playing... And there's much to be gained from taking part first. Patience - a host will emerge when they're ready to do so.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:45 am

My recommendation, Krigaren, would be to wait for another host to come along so that you may first enjoy playing a game. I think you'd get more from that experience than from hosting, simply because it will be a softer reception. From the content of your posts you certainly seem to have the mental fortitude for hosting, but I still think that observing a game is a far cry from playing... And there's much to be gained from taking part first. Patience - a host will emerge when they're ready to do so.

may as well let him do a write up first, and if he does try (and fail) what harm could it do.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:46 am

My recommendation, Krigaren, would be to wait for another host to come along so that you may first enjoy playing a game. I think you'd get more from that experience than from hosting, simply because it will be a softer reception. From the content of your posts you certainly seem to have the mental fortitude for hosting, but I still think that observing a game is a far cry from playing... And there's much to be gained from taking part first. Patience - a host will emerge when they're ready to do so.

Well, a game only takes a week to ten days, so if I'm really the only one willing and able to host, no man overboard here.
That's what I'm asking for in an earlier post: if you're up to it soon, feel free, otherwise I'm having a go and no one is keeping you from hosting over two weeks or so.
If I can do a great job at it, I'll be happy I could prove myself useful to you enthusiasts and you'll have the gratification of having played again. If it'd been an utter fail, then you'd have only wasted five minutes a day giving me a chance. I guess this is a fair offer.
By the way, I can only learn by acting and it doesn't look like there'll be any other possibility to learn soon unless I create one myself.
Be assured, I know what Werewolf/Mafia is about, it's just seeing how it's played on a forum that's a more recent experience to me.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:22 am

Cant you deduct that from my post? Feel free to host if you think you can do a better job at it. Someone's got to do it. I prefer playing indeed but everyone is pointing the finger at each other. I'm rather a glorious fool who tries to offer the pleasure of a new round and encourages others to stay active than another one of those who desire to see a new round but don't act. It's up to you whether you want to give me a chance at it or not. Clearly I'd like you to join and I intend to do the best I can at the moment. Feel free to educate me if you see I'm going to commit major mistakes. One of the things I'll definitely need to work on is to write engrossing stories in English, however I hope to make that up by offering satisfying game mechanics.

Look, I didn't mean it like that and neither did Mr E. I wasn't trying to sound like a cow. :P Good luck hosting, I'll play.
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