Thanks everyone. Apologies for not doing feedback/evidence lasts yesterday, but I was feeling pretty sick and didn't feel like trying to be coherent.

I'll do the feedback now, and evidence list later in the afternoon.
My own thoughts on the game have been largely encompassed by everybody else's, but here goes anyway. I really enjoyed writing for a wildly-changing setting, and it's something I think I'll probably repeat if I host again in the very-distant future. I think I probably could have made more use out of it with some more planning and thought put into it (I usually decided the settings in the 5 minutes after I finished the write-up), and if I had considered locations based on evidence potential. I was really happy with the roles PMs (with the exception of the Judge PMs I messed up), and they didn't take too long - about 5 minutes apiece once I'd done the main template. All in all I think that part of the game went pretty well.
My organisation was probably acceptable, but could have been better - as I've said before the reason days ended and started at different times was due to some poor time management every now and again, and between school, sleep, work and socializing I wasn't online to answer questions as often as I probably should have been for a smoother game. At least I remember to send out all conversion PMs this game.

I struggled a little with evidence this game, although that had nothing to do with the setting for the game - not including a "possessions" and "build" section really narrowed down my options, and didn't leave much concrete evidence for players to go on - it's not something I'd do again, or recommend to other hosts. I also had a problem with the rather polarized player-base of this game, with several of the best players I've ever played with as well as a whole bunch of first time or new players. Some days the vets would be inactive, and the evidence wouldn't be investigated and the game would stagnate for a day; and other days the vetsu (particularly Max) cruised in and solved the easy evidence (left because the innocents were getting nowhere at first). Despite that I don't think the evidence was horrible - it did become significantly simpler towards the end of the game, but I think that was necessitated given how it was progressing.
Working with the point system was a little extra work, but it wasn't too bad and it was interesting to see how it all played out. Unfortunately nobody made use of it to near the depth that I'd hoped for, so I didn't really get to trial it in full, but I hope that other hosts will try out the system and that it can be refined and improved as players get to try it out properly.
Overall I enjoyed hosting, and thought it was a decent game - whether or not I consider it a successful game will depend on whether anybody hosts now.
In regards to the next game: Despite my less than stellar track record (if you could even call it that ) when it comes to it, I might be interested in finally hosting. I'm a bit worried about whether I'll be able to come up with good evidence or not, but I suppose I won't know until I try. However, if anyone else is interested, I'm perfectly willing to wait.
One good thing about hosting is that as soon as a competent player dies (usually night one) you can just ask them for advice. Hell, I did it with you.