Whilst your efforts are commendable, I have to agree with those who said that it'd be a better idea to play a few more games. It's nothing about you personally, from what I can gather from your posts you'd do better than some players we've had, but still, you can't rely solely on intelligence. It sounds strange, but Werewolf as we play it here is a game of habit. You can observe games all you want, but you just will not get the correct feeling for a game. You'll probably be able to produce a fancy writeup, but would you be able to handle questions during the day? I've only hosted once, a game which I thought to be sub-par. Would you be able to judge for yourself if your game was going well or not? I don't think you would, simply because you lack the amount of games of Werewolf played on these forums. We've had people before who claimed they wanted to host a game after just 1 or 2 games, and as far as I know we've always rejected those offers simply because the consensus was that they were not ready. It would be unfair to them if we were to let you host.
Now that that's out of the way, I hope I didn't come across as too rude. With regards to your last question of DC suggesting you drop all of that; he's not. He is suggesting you copy the ruleset used for this game or any other, really, and then twist that set to your own will and preference. You can always add your own new ideas, but be warned; there should be no changes to the base of the game. Spicing it up can be done, but shouldn't be overdone. Experimental games have been done (successfully) in the past, but by experienced hosts. For your first game, you really should stick to the ruleset that has been "standardized". Of course, the 48-hour day is an exception that is needed for you, but once again, be careful. You'll have to find something to keep everyone amused for two times as long as usual, which is quite a challenge.
I'm goin' to have to disagree with parts of your assessment.
I find that observin' games is more beneficial then playin' them. Lurkers have been able to jump in and avoid many of the common noob mistakes and the ability to view the game from an objective stand-point is good for a host. The one major problem I've seen from hosts with limited games is that they lack knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes or in other words, how to handle players who posses roles. If Krigaren is to host I would like him to first read some of the private pms between hosts and wolves to give him a feel for the game.
I'd also like to remind some of the newer vets (those of y'all who have been here for ~20 or so games) that Woolly hosted after playin' only one full game, Mr. E after four, and I after five. None of us had experienced bein' a member of the wolf team (I think) and we turned out to be okay. So, while I will agree that hostin' without a single game will be a challenge, the hard part of hostin' without ever playin' as a wolf has been accomplished multiple times.
As for the people who have wanted to host after only playin' one or two games bein' to told wait... I myself (and a lot of vets) have been very a stronger supporter of this, but it was based more around the fact that those games crowd out the established hosts. When summer hits a lot of the newer players want to put out their games, this is not a bad thing to see such ambition but there will be other potential hosts with more experience competin' with them. I remember when I first proposed Devils' Island there was another fella who wanted to host. He got upset because he was told to put his game on hold because there was no way in hell that I was goin' to let some noob tell me when I was allowed to host my game. So, it is partially there in order to make way for the big games without offendin' the newer players who want to host. Since right now there is nobody else wantin' to host, he is not crowdin' anyone out. Really, this down-time is meant for the newer guys to prove themselves so that they will be able to host the summer games.
As long as he is willin' to take and ask for advice I'm willin' to see what he can produce.
This starts to sound as a familiar story. So what do you expect me to do now? Just throw in the towel and say "Okay, I quit before I've posted a single letter" just because fanatics can't help but give flak before I've even got a chance (I think it's right to consider this presenting of my ideas a conceptual stage)? This starts to look like an exclusive cult that preserves special knowledge, it even has nothing to do with my intentions or abilities as a host. Automatically because the High Council has decided I am a newb, all my ideas must be abysmal (we're not even in the stage of executing them yet). It's kind of hard to say beforehand whether I'll do a subpar job or not. Now I do assume moving on from the card game to the forum version will prove "instructive". You people keep amazing me. I suppose the aftermath thread will prove useful, although I already requested here that people can have a look at my plans and only Donkey actually did so in a helpful way (I recognize some more came in to confirm some of this). After all this debating, I still don't see the huge disaster in getting a chance and so it seems, more importantly, your trust I won't ruin your day by those five minutes taking a look at the current state of things and making that vote. I think it's totally worth it. I'm putting all this time in writing my own ruleset and creating a setting that can support a story for the length of a game. Besides, I don't see the point of being mean to a person who means no harm to the community, quite the contrary really. I'm just getting used to it because I've seen and heard it all before. Lock on and fire away.

By the way, how could calling you names possibly do any good? :blink: :pinch: :confused:
Okay, normally I would have commented by now, but college is keepin' me busy. For that I apologize for not critiquin' your rule-set.
My two-cents is this, experimental rule-set games tend to fail and those that do "succeed" tend to be about average. So, we are not attackin' you personally, but rather everyone in general. This is why we suggest a standardized rule-set, the one you have right now looks sufficient. Since this is a time of low activity I will warn you that findin' players might prove to be difficult.
One more thing I would like to address is the role-playin'. The reason why this game is still allowed to be played on the forums is because it is a mystery-game first. If your game is good then the players with naturaly begin role-playin' but tryin' to promote it will do no good and will possibly take away from the game.