Werewolf - Hinterland

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:53 am

I'm in, I like the setting.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:36 am

Reserve a spot for me.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:29 pm

Reservation, please?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:51 am

Reserved, currently at work will post the profile when i get home
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:20 pm

Reserved before I have to leave for school.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:35 am

Good morning! I've updated the signup list. Seems I was correct in thinking Werewolf has some momentum right now. In any case, I'm happy with the amount of people we have right now, but I'll accept as many as 30 people - that's my hard cap. If I get more than 25, I'll probably do the following:

-One more wolf (for a total of 4 with the Arch)
-4 more trinkets (1 BBQ lighter, 1 Binoculars, 1 Flashlight, 1 Notepad)

Physical description: Large, somewhat imposing, at least 180 pounds, muscular, above 6 feet tall

Just to note, given the rest of your description, this doesn't make sense. He'd be scrawny at that weight, so I'm adjusting that upwards to "at least 210 pounds". If this bothers you, let me know or go back and edit your character.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:35 pm

Whoops, almost didn't notice the sign-up appear. Reserved, and I'll get a profile up ASAP.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:19 am

Hows this:

Name: Franklin Jones
Age: 17
Physical description: 5'8", 200 lbs. Black hair, braided. Midnight black skin. Compact with great muscle definition.
Clothing: Orange sweat band across his head. Orange Under Armor long sleeve shirt. Baggy black cargo pants. Black military style boots.
Occupation: High school student / Flips burgers at the local Burger King.
Hobbies: Training, Franklin can be found in the gym at least 6 days a week, twice a day. He likes to read, cook and go for late nights runs
Possessions: Aviator shades, Ipod w/headphones, a bright orange hiking backpack with extra cloths, first aid kit, reusable water bottle, bible
Personality: Humble, reserved, confident, a bit of a prankster around his friends
History: Born and raised in Cleveland Ohio, Franklin has seen the nasty side of life and is determined to be the one that raises his family up out of it. Though hard work and the grace of god he has become the greatest running back his high school has ever seen. He has successfully stayed away from gangs by going to church and the gym, now his peers see that he has an opportunity to go somewhere so they don't bother him. Already getting offers to multiple colleges, he only needs to make the decision that will best benefit him and his family, his dreams of the NFL are getting closer to coming true every day.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:05 am


Anyways, consider me a reserved individual if you would.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:53 pm

Hows this: (snip)

Looks good.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:00 am

Name: Dan Micheals but refers himself as Sir Micheals the Powerful (his DnD name)

Age: 25
Physical description: A little less then average hight, fat, brown eyes and long brown hair (always looks greasy)

Clothing: A white tshirt, and a super cool brown vest (he thinks it makes him look like a jedi), blue jeans, white tennis shoes, he has http://images.motorcycle-superstore.com/ProductImages/OG/2009_Tour_Master_Gel_Cruiser_2_Fingerless_Gloves_Black.jpg on, and he also wears glasses.

Occupation: He works at gamestop, and a comic book store that is owned by his parents.

Hobbies: He plays video games (mostly WOW and any starwars games), plays dungeons and dragons (every single day for about 4 hours or more), and he likes to sharpen up his bostaff and sword skills in a midnight training session.

Possessions: his bostaff is always strapped on to his back, a lucky white rabbit's foot that he wears on his neck that he got from a star wars convention (he swears that a master jedi gave it to him), a dark green backpack that he has had ever since he was in 4th grade, and inside is a silver titanium water bottle along with a first aid kit and some food.

Personality: He is a guy that blurts out whatever is on his mind. He doesn't care who thinks what of him since he can kick anyone's butt at a bostaff fight, he says really random things, and thinks he is a descendent of a long line of asian warriors. He is really cocky, and he thinks he is better then everyone else.

History: Ever since he was a little boy, Dan always thought he was something special and different. When he picked up his bostaff for the first time he said that there was some sort of instant connection that he has never felt before. He is constantly living in a fantasy world, and has rejected reality being actual reality. Dan lives and pays rent in his parents garage that is separate from there house. They live out of the city about 15 minutes away. His parents wanted him to go out and do something with himself, so they started off small and told him to go help out at summer camp. He is forced to be here. His parents will taste the wrath of Sir Micheals the Powerful.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:46 am

Name: Finn Ward
Age: 14
Physical Description: Average Teenage Build, 5'4", long perfect flowing blond hair(Kept hidden under his hood/cap), blue eyes
Clothing: Blue shirt, shorts, green backpack, hood/cap with wolf ears that tucks into his shirt in the back.
Occupation: Adventurer! Kid
Hobbies: His overactive imagination leads him to believe he's rescuing princesses and fighting monsters. He's not too far off this time. Also enjoys videogames and singing.
Possessions: Wooden sword tucked into his backpack, gameboy(he refers to it as Beemo), a couple sandwiches(in baggies stuck in his backpack, water bottles, and his dog he calls "Jake"
Personality: Often cheerful and upbeat. Has a strong sense of justice. May suffer from hallucinations. Naive, and has trouble understanding trickery. Has an active interest in protecting the weak. Considers himself "pure". Is all about saving princesses. Strongly dislikes worms(Especially if they get on his bed).
History: As far back as he can remember, Finn's thought of himself as an Adventurer. His parents thought it was pretty normal but eventually noticed he never grew out of the phase. They're hoping he'll burn off some of his energy and sate his imagination on this trip. Their greatest fear is that he'll end up needing to see a psychiatrist, and that he'll never outgrow his fantasies.
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KU Fint
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:50 am

Missed it. Mr. E please send me a PM if anyone drops.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:29 am

Missed it. Mr. E please send me a PM if anyone drops.

You can have my place if you want. I doubt i'll be very productive. (stupid A-level revision)
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:24 am

Name: Phil Robinson
Age: 38
Physical description: 6'1". 180 lbs. Brown hair, medium long with slight curls. He's slightly bigger built.
Clothing: White t-shirt, brown/khaki pants, big black backpack, brown leather shoes. He also wears a tan cap almost all the time.
Occupation: He is a tourist and likes to work on reports. Thus, one might call him a reporter.
Hobbies: He likes to keep track of things happening, he likes to write, both objectively and subjectively, he likes birdspotting, too. When he's bored with everything else, he likes to complete crosswords.
Possessions: Knapsack with pieces of cheese, and a few cartons of milk which have gone bad. Quite a few books which have missing pages, including a crossword-puzzle book. He also carries a notepad, a pen and a camera with him at all times.
Personality: He is known to bend the truth for his own good. He acts quickly, and doesn't care about the consequences. He also is known to be confrontational. He doesn't have a lot of patience and prefers to work as a lone wolf. (no pun intended.) He likes reading.
History: Phil has been in two previous encounters he would prefer not to remember. He was originally born in Germany, and speaks fluent German as a result. He moved to the USA to study journalism there. He passed, had a few successful stories on Werewolves in an incident only known as "Hell's gate", and was so traumatized afterwards that he now focuses on smaller events, for whoever pays.

EDIT: OI!~ You forgot to include my reservation earlier. That's mean. :(
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:52 am

Missed it. Mr. E please send me a PM if anyone drops.

You can have my place if you want. I doubt i'll be very productive. (stupid A-level revision)

There is space for the both of you - and up to 3 more if any people are interested - before we reach the 30-player cap.

EDIT: OI!~ You forgot to include my reservation earlier. That's mean. :(

Sorry about that, I did indeed miss it. You're now in the proper spot in the signup order. Thanks for coming onboard :)
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:13 am

This is a reservation in case someone drops, just PM me. if i'm allowed in well that's fine too :P

Name: Dana Carey

Age: 27
Physical description: 5'2 / 180.lbs / sea-green / cold black(black with a natural blue tint)
Clothing: Khaki shirt with a green ascot, denim shorts, a pair of green socks underneath hiking boots.
Occupation: Camp Counselor
Hobbies: Hiking the woods around the campground. Swimming in the local lake. Annoying the other advlts with brochures about "things to do."

Possessions: Steel hiking staff, a trowel, pocket tool kit, flint stone, 25' of utility rope, and a copy of Howard Zinn's; You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train in paperback
Personality: Cheery for the most part, Happily optimistic about the camp, mischievous as she loves to make friends with the kids and annoy the advlts, chaotically organized.
History: Originally from the Dakota's, Dana grew up in the woods and open wilds. She traveled around the US, visiting every park and camp imaginable. She loved Yellowstone, adored the Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas, and even spent some time spelunking in Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. finally, her tour finishing with the open tundra in Alaska she returned home for a while, looking far and wide, worldwide really, for any open park positions. That's when she found an opening here at this humble little mega-camp.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:24 am

Name: Sharon Graham

Age: 23
Physical description: 5'6" inch / 121lbs, Sharon is slim and not very muscular, she is a redhead , has freckles, blue eyes and she has a very pale skintone.
Clothing: She likes to walk around in her favorite black and white ‘Nerd Herd’ t-shirt combined with baggy trousers and her favorite pair of blue worn out sneakers.
Occupation: Fulltime student
Hobbies: Sharon wants to know everything and learn everything, the thing is that she is a bit clumsy and not that smart. So as much as she likes to study for example Japanese and Latin, she just is not very good at it.

Possessions: A notebook with several drawings and notes in it, a dictionary, a study book Latin and a book Japanese for dummies.
Personality: She is a very nervous type. She is also very clumsy so don’t ever lend her anything expensive because she will probably break it to pieces. Don’t bother her when she is studying because although she isn’t very good at it she takes it very seriously.
History: Sharon grew up on a farm, as only child she liked to be around all the animals, however when she was 18 she moved to the city to study Japanese. Poor Sharon wasn’t very talented though, after three weeks of following the study she decided to quit. Nowadays Sharon is studying Latin ( which she isn’t very talented in either). The Hairy Hills campground seemed like the perfect place for a couple of days relaxing and studying.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:26 pm

There is space for the both of you - and up to 3 more if any people are interested - before we reach the 30-player cap.

I'm gonna sit this one out. I was caught off guard when I saw this earlier and paniced reserved.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:56 am

Do you want a PM Mr.E? It makes life easier later.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:14 am

Do you want a PM Mr.E? It makes life easier later.

PMs are appreciated. I'll start PMing those who don't get a PM to me soon, so that things run smoothly when we start the game.

FYI: trinkets have been placed on the map. There are now 24 of them.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:18 am

Oi, Mr. E! Are the band-aids one use only like the notepad?
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:07 am

Oi, Mr. E! Are the band-aids one use only like the notepad?

Yes. The only ones that are persistent are the walkie-talkies.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:20 am

I do believe that's my record for getting a profile in.
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Marine x
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:15 am

Name: Dr. Vent Jr.

Age: 48
Physical description: 130 pounds , really skinny , about 5 feet tall, completely bald with a red goatee
Clothing: Red and blue jumpsuit
Occupation: He is a scientist
Hobbies: Going around the world , making inventions and ignoring his sons.

Possessions: Calculator, laptop, notebook, how to score chicks for dumbies and a flashlight.
Personality: Very cocky and likes to think of himself, always thinks that whatever he is doing is more important , gets scared easily . Very sarcastic and rude at times when he doesn't get his way. He is clumsy as well.
History: He came from a famous family where his father was a great scientist who awed the world. After his dad's disappearance Dr.Vent Jr. always tried to follow in his fathers footsteps. Sure he got a living by being a doctor/ scientist but he never felt fulfilled in his life. So to fell better he quit working on his project and went to go camping.
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Anna Kyselova
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