+1, these are great suggestions.
There was a dedicated werewolf player in these forums (back in the day
) that used these tactics to great effect, and he played an orc if memory serves, so no Dragonskin racial power for him.
The potions and spells are great if you're planning on the combat ahead of time. Looking at the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alteration for a refresher I'd suggest the 3/3 Magic Resistance, Atronach, Stability, and 3/3 Mage Armor. So, I guess, the whole tree then?
I suppose if you wanted to save the points then only grab the 3/3 Magic Resist and Atronach. Those will be a solid base along with the 15% from the Book of Love quest mentioned above.
You might also try the Dibella Temple questline. It gives a http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Heart_of_Dibella against characters of the opposite six, which may help.
You might also want to look into enchanting. IIRC there are magic resistant enchants you can get... oh wait. Then again, I think it strips your armor off when you transform, so you're essentially naked huh? If that's the case then I'd get the rest of the Alteration tree (Stability, Mage Armor 3/3) and strip down before casting your flesh armor spells.