» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:01 am
Name: Severo del Pálido
Age: 33
Build: Generally average height and fairly lean build.
General Physical Description: He’s dressed all in black. Black shirt, black trousers, black boots, black overcoat, and a black tricorn hat over his long black hair. His skin, in contrast, is very pale.
Occupation on Board: Quartermaster. He instills discipline in the crew, strictly enforces the ship’s code, and ensures that no single man oversteps their bounds. That includes the captain.
Relationship to the Captain: The captain is a bit uneasy around him, but sees the value he brings to the table. He seems loyal enough, never oversteps his authority, and he keeps the crew in line, sometimes by mere presence alone. But still, he has a fair amount of influence and sway among the crew, and is less likely to be subject to their wrath in a mutiny…
Possessions: A cutlass, flintlock pistol, cat o’ nine tails, a concertina, and a ceramic pipe with tobacco.
Personality: Generally reticient, usually only speaks when necessary. Can be a stickler for rule and law, will enforce them strongly. He is harsh, but evenhanded and fair, ruthless, but never cruel.
Hobbies: Running the day to day affairs of the Howling Corsair while she's outside of battle doesn’t leave Severo with a lot of free time, but he’s certainly open to a game of cards or liar’s dice, and he tries to practice playing with a concertina. He’s not very good at it, but he imagines it might make a good "interrogation tool."
History: Severo was part of the Spanish royal guard where he specialized in interrogation. His talents soon earned him attention from the Spanish Inquisition, who were eager to induct him into their ranks. However, Severo strongly disapproved of their brutal methods, finding them pointlessly cruel and more about forcing confessions than acquiring information. As such, he released some prisoners and promptly fled west to the Carribean to escape the Inquisition’s potential wrath and make a new life for himself. He was unable to find any legitimate work in the new world, however, so first chance he got, he joined up with Captain Bellamy.