Werewolf powers unavailable and Aela won't stop being clingy

Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:10 pm

I play as a lycantropic Altmer on my latest Skyrim playthrough. I finally decided to try at finishing Dawnguard, after the last time I attempted this the Moth Priest was bugged and Serana was angry with him. I made it to the Chasing Echoes part of the main questline, when things started to get problematic.

Serana offers two ways to enter the Soul Cairn, and thinking I can just become a werewolf again afterwards, as Isran doesn't want to see any Dawnguard members being vampires anyway, I agree and let Serana bite me. I finish the quest without any trouble and return home to my loving wife, Aela of the companions.

She informs me she has found the last totem of Hircine and requests my help in finding it. As the good Harbinger and loving husband I am, I agree eagerly and we run off, hand in hand, frolicking all the way to the cave with the totem.

Now I'm stuck on the Totems of Hircine quest (the totem is the skull) and I can't turn in the totem in the Underforge, because I'm no longer a werewolf. Aela refuses to give me the option to obtain beastblood (I cured myself once with a head of a glenmoril witch, cured the twins and cured Kodlak, leaving me with one head left, as I killed all five witches) and now she's following me around with no option to tell her to return to our house.

I can't load an older save. Any other ways to fix this?

I tried doing a quest that gives you another companion, and Aela left me for it, but returned to my side as soon as I had finished the quest (For reference, the quest I tried this with was Speaking With Silence from the Thieves Guild quest line)

Please, please, please tell me there is a way to fix this. I liked being a werewolf, even if the vampire lord power is cool and all. I also love Aela a lot, but it gets tiring rather fast that she refuses to offer me anything to do, other than snarling at me that we must return the totem to the underforge.

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