After all this time, it's funny to see that they never did fix how unresponsive the Werewolf Sprinting Power Attack is. I remember the first time i played Skyrim was on my friend's XBox 360 the first week of release, and half the damn time you'd try to do a Sprinting Power Attack while in Werewolf Form, it wouldn't go off. All the years that i played Skyrim on my PC, it did the same. I'm back to playing Skyrim with a new character, and the Werewolf Sprinting Power Attack still only goes off about half the time, if that. A real pain in the ass. Nothing quite like Sprinting at a Elder Giant Berserker (mod), getting ready to do the Sprinting Power Attack to knock his ass on the ground, only to have the game not respond at all to me hitting the left mouse button while Sprinting, and ending up with a giant axe planted in my face.
There any mods or anything that fix this persistent annoyance?