i know it has been discussed before, but i couldn't find an answer that convinced me.
Question is, with Dawnguard installed, do the werewolves random encounters only happen when your character is (or has been in the past) a werewolf? Do they trigger only if your character is a member of the Companions? Right now i'm playing as a level 47 Nord mage who's not a Companion (hell, she have never put a foot inside Jorrvaskr) and i still have to find any werewolves out in the wilderness. I know the thing with werewolves not spawning if you're not a werewolf yourself has something to do with preventing spoilers, but i still hope this is not true. I mean, why can i encounter vampires all over skyrim without being a vampire (even pre-dawnguard) and not a single werewolf? It doesn't make sense at all.
Any answer will be appreciate.